Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. ********************************
I did NOT act like a kid in a candy store when I walked into Target and saw that their dollar section stuff was 75% off! I did NOT get excited because of all the pretty good dollar items that only cost 25 cents! I did NOT end up leaving with four bags full of stuff that I only spent a little over $20 on:)
We did NOT have an awesome time on our mini vacation that we got back from on Wednesday of last week. We have NOT been back for almost five days, and there is NOT still a huge pile of vacation laundry sitting in the breakfast room waiting for my attention. I have NOT been simply ignoring the dirty clothes until I know the boys are completely out of clean underwear, pants, and school uniforms! I am NOT so lazy that I just let the laundry go until the VERY LAST minute:)

What have you NOT been up to this week?

Are you sure that isn't my pail of laundry? Looks similar to the fun I am going to be having today. ;-)
Awesome score at Target..nothing feels better than 75% off, unless it is the $1 items 75% off...then that feels incredible.
Just toss your laundry over here. I probably won't even notice the extras. That's what I'll be doing all day. :)
Laundry is evil...I spent the majority of the day yesterday dealing with ours...bleck!!
SCORE on the Target deal!!
If it makes you feel any better...we still have a couple of suitcases that need emptied and put in the laundry! Isn't that awful! Wow...what a great steal on the Target goodies! So fun! I'm going to work on laundry today and finish scrubbing the grout :( There's always something fun to do around here :)
Enjoyed your Not Mes!! I have something for you on my blog :)
Wow, what a bargain at Target!!!
I am the same way with laundry. Ugh, I hate it.
I hate laundry. Actually, I just hate folding it. I'm ok with putting in the washer/dryer but past that; forget about it!
My pile of laundry yesterday was HUGE! Today it is big. ugh. :) Oh.... I am envious of all that $1 store STUFF! Your children are sooo cute... blessings to you!
I love it when their dollar bins go 75% off. THat is the best surprise ever. LOL Good for you getting so much! Good luck with the laundry. I should be doing that now too.
Man, I should've gone to Target!!! LOL!!!
Ugh, my laundry pile looks very similar to yours!
I, too, am guilty of letting the laundry pile up *again* this week - and it's just my DH and me!
Yay for Target sales! :)
You had me when you said Target! Love that place :) I hope you can crawl out from under the laundry soon. Ughhh, It is never ending!!
How jealous can I get???? I LOVE Target but there isn't one close by. :0(
I'm like a kid in a candy shop at Target too! It's my favorite place :)
oh i love target and their dollar section...which is even better when it's less than a dollar. how awesome!!
laundry like that builds up even when we're not on vacation...i feel your pain friend!
WHAT 75% off?? Our Target doesn't do that!!! I am seriously jealous right now :)
ok.. I'm reposting because I attempted to type my comment while spinning a toddler in a chair and realized it didn't make sense!
Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you enjoyed the rug story! To top it all off my husband came in from work today and said "so much for letting your rugs dry..."
Enjoyed your blog and will be back by I'm sure! (and for the record I operate on that laundry mechanism at my house and there are only 3 of us..and the target run would have made my week!)
Oh Target... how I love thee! Sadly we live in po-dunk-poo and the closest Targets are all an hour away :(
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet! Hope your precious family has a blessed week!
I just love Target, so I say go wild in there all you want. Your laundry looks like my painting. I won't tell you that the kitchen table is covered in newspaper with wooden letters all over it waiting for the second coat of paint. I say turn the light off in that room and you will never see the laundry!
Wow! You know I don't think I've ever seen their dollar section 75% off though I think I'll just have to visit every day now until I do :) My husband might kill me for that one!
I can totally relate with the laundry! I finally have empty clean basket this week, but the dirty ones are over filled, oh the cycle of laundry.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I never thought about asking the teacher to just keep them. LOL!
{sigh} yeah. My laundry pretty much always looks like that-even when we haven't been on vacation. Don't you just love the Target dllar section...but, really?? 75%off?? Wow.
I would have LOVED to have been there when you were jumping up and down...I don't blame you one bit. Ah the joy of laundry...worth it!
What a great deal at Target! I love their dollar section. Good luck with the laundry!
Target - it sucks you in every time, doesn't it? Laundry can always wait it is never - ending.
I've been ignoring my laundry too - till there are no more undies or socks. ;)
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