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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Sweet Treats Are Good To Eat

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For the Love of Naps - Sarah said...

Cute! We are doing something like that today too...I hope!

TheAtticGirl said...

Yummy! They look very happy!


I am Harriet said...

Yum! That looks great!


{Kimber} said...

haha!! way to go Eli!!

KTW said...

Yummy!!! What sweet pics! :)

jules said...

Cute, love the last one. I think all kids do that!

Carrie said...

Mmmmm...I agree with that! haha! I didn't make the cupcakes because I didn't have any marbles ;( I thought about using Alex's Magnetix...but thought that would be too scary! haha!

Foursons said...

They look like some mighty happy boys!

Myya said...

Love when the little ones try & eat with no hands... too cute!!

Kelli said...

I love the way Eli is diving in...who needs hands!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! Cute kids!

Miller Racing Family said...

I see the cupcakes got the boy approval. I am making these this weekend. Love the photo of Eli.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

lol my dauhgter eats her cupcakes like the last picture all the time!!.. and she is going to be 4!

Emily said...

They are all so cute...but Eli, man that is cute! He and Charlie would be such good friends.

Unknown said...

Love it!


He & Me + 3 said...

They are adorable. I'll bet those turned out so yummy. Love how Eli is enjoying his.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Cute pics! They sure do look good!

Rhonda said...

How cute! Love how he is diving into the cupcake! Yum!

More Than Words said...

Oh, yes they are!!!

Love how Elijah is eating his!!!

Darcie said...

I had a feeling that we would be seeing your sweet boys enjoying all those sweet treats that their sweet momma has been baking.

Leah said...

Stopping by from Miller Racing Family for Wordless Wednesday!

What little cuties! Great pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello from Wordless Wednesday! I love the picture of the little guy not using his hands! Too Cute!

Mandy T said...

I guess Eli didnt feel the need to use his hands!! To cute!!

Jennifer W. said...

Love the heart-shaped cupcakes!! I don't have any marbles, though. I'll have to get some. Go Eli. Sometimes I'd like to dive into cake like that too!! :)

mommy2luke2008 said...

Love that last picture!!!! Stopping by from Miller Racing Family Wordless Wednesday!!!

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