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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: These Boots...

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Carrie said...

LOL! I love it...he is so cute, and so funny! Love those boots! If that was Emily...we'd be going out just like that...she used to wear two different shoes on purpose!

TheAtticGirl said...

LOL He is a trip! Love the glasses too by the way.


Jenilee said...

adorable!! he looks like he is having fun!

Kelly said...

Hilarious! Those pictures will be priceless when he is older :)

Dee said...

oh my goodness! That is TOO funny!!

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

Love this!!

Anonymous said...

That is priceless! Way to cute and oh so funny!

Kmama said...

Aww! Look at him. He is too much!!

Unknown said...

hahahahaha! so cute =)

Danielle said...

He is adorable!!

jules said...

Why is it that when kids do something like this it's adorable. And if we did it as adults......

Anonymous said...

oh how that makes me smile! thanks for sharing!

Amanda said...

Aww such cute pictures!

christina said...

oh man, HILARIOUS!!

mommy2luke2008 said...

Oh my word!!! Too cute!!!!!! He is so adorable!! I love the boot on the left foot!

Leah said...

I'm visiting through the Miller Racing Family blog. Your pictures are so funny!:)
Hope you'll stop by and visit sometime!

Jana said...

That is too funny!! I love it when kids use their imagination and get resourceful! The whole outfit is awesome, right down to the goggles.


Linds said...

oh my word. these are SO precious! little boys just melt my heart!

Miller Racing Family said...

Happy wordless Wednesday!
Now these have to be the funniest photos I have seen all day! He is such a cute little fellow. I love the glasses and the mismatched boots are so funny. Thanks for the laugh!
Hope you have a fabulous day and thanks for linking up!

Unknown said...

What a chubby chunker of a cutie. Love the miss-matched boots in the diaper too. P.S. Larsenloves is going private, if you want an invite I will need you to pop over and leave your email. Happy Day Kelli. Jen

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Okay, that is the most adorable {and hilarious!} thing ever! He is so cute, cute, cute!!!

Alisa said...

oh, I just love little boys when they get dressed up. The boots are just too cute!

Mrs. Davison said...

Oh my gosh! That is too funny! My boys used to wear their boots with just a diaper, but not 2 different boots. Too cute!

{Kimber} said...

a trendsetter!!!

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

This is just about the cutest thing I've see all day long!!

He & Me + 3 said...

OMGosh those are hilarious pictures. So cute.

Angie said...

love love love it! that made me smile really big...so silly and cute!

Foursons said...

Haha- that is too cute. How much is he loving all the Mommy time?

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Love it! He has his own style, doesn't he? :)

Leslie said...

Awesome!!! I'm glad we're not the only household with BOLD shoe choices happening. :) haha!

Melissa said...

That is beyond adorable!! What a ham!!

Georgia Girl said...

LOL...love it! I actually have a boot song on my blog this week...check it out.

CM said...

Ha! What a cutie!

Myya said...

Ohhhhh my goodness could your little guy be any cuter! LOVE when they pick out what they are wearing :)

Candace said...

How cute is he! I love his style. :0)

Hope you had a great day!

Kelli said...

He is just too adorable! I love that he has his own sense of style :)

4 Lettre Words said...

What a fun age, huh!?! Love it!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

He is adorable! Love the pictures!

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