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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Three Under Par

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Kelli said...

They are SO cute. I love seeing boys enjoying sports. I have a friend and her youngest LOVES golf. Great pictures, as usual.

Foursons said...

Barefoot golfers- it doesn't get much cuter than that!

Carrie said...

They look like awesome golfers! I love their little golf bags :) I wish we would've had a chance to get to the golf course this year! I think Dan let Alex drive the cart the last time they went!

What a fun time!

Stephanie said...

That's cool! Love how you got all 3 of them golfing in the pic!

Kmama said...

Are they taking lessons?? I think golf is a little too mild for Buddy. He needs to be moving all the time, but I would love for him to learn.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you have "fore" great golfers at your house.

Anonymous said...

Awww what great photos! Love the first photo of them, it's great!

Angie said...

Oh girl, Hayden would fit right in with your boys...he loves golf. Those pics are adorable, and the title of your post is brilliant!

Happy Humpday!!

{Kimber} said...

how precious are they?! I love it...little golfers :)

Dee said...

How cute is that?!?! Looks like they're having a blast!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Looove!!! They look like they are having the best time. :)

Tractor Mom said...

Oh no!! The next generation of golfers! Boys and thier toys!

Came over from Wordless Wednesday...

Bridget said...

Awww cute! My son wants my dad to take him to play golf the next time we go down to see him and weather permits.

mommy2luke2008 said...

Very cute! I love the picture of the little one playing! He looks like he is really concentrating!

GirlSunday said...


TheAtticGirl said...

That is such a fun thing to do with dad!


Emily said...

Looks like fun! I love how Eli still has the chubby baby look. So does Charlie, but it's about the only baby thing he has left! :(

Darcie said...

Adorable!!! Do you golf too?

Unknown said...

Awe, little ones golfing! So cute!! :)

dtbrents said...

Great pictures. Golfing is fun. Doylene

PotterMama said...

This is ADORABLE! I love their own little caddy things ::)

CM said...

Ha! What a cute title! The first shot is awesome.

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

Love the first shot!!

Miller Racing Family said...

Happy Wordless Wednesday!
What cute photos! I love the ind. shots of the boys. Trey loves to play golf, in fact we hide his clubs sometimes so he doesn't sneak them out and break out a window.
I hope you have a blessed day and thanks for linking up!

He & Me + 3 said...

What a great first shot. I love that picture. Your boys are so adorable. Golfing is so much fun with the kids. LOL

Kelly said...

You better be careful, ha! Golf is one expensive sport! Adorable pics - as always :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Cute pictures! I love the first one!

Rhonda said...

Your boys are so cute! Great photos!

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