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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cherry Red Table

I have to admit I didn't always love spray paint. But that was back when I was foolish enough to think that the cheapo spray paint was as good as the more expensive stuff. I would go through two or three of the $1.99 cans of spray paint on a project, and end up with poor coverage and a sore trigger finger! Then I discovered how wonderful name brand spray paint can be. I have used both Valspar and Krylon, and they are both WAY better than the cheapo cans I used to buy...and really they aren't that much more expensive!
My latest spray paint victim is this lovely but {oh-so} boring table that has been a resident of our foyer for quite a few years. My mom bought it for us at a thrift store a few years ago, and it fit perfectly in the space. I wasn't really thrilled with the ultra-traditional look of it, but it was good enough. I decided that spray paint was the way to go for this table redo mostly because I was so happy with how spray paint transformed my end table!
Jason helped me disassemble the table, we sanded it down just a little, I covered the mirror with newspaper, and then I got busy spray painted the table with Krylon Cherry Red!
{This is a close up of the color just because my 'after' picture didn't really show the true color.}
I am still amazed at how well the spray paint covered and how professional it looks....and it only took two cans of spray paint and two hours!
My newly spray painted Cherry Red table complete with new fabric covered lampshade:)
Have you spray painted anything lately?
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Carrie said...

LOVE it! It looks great! I've come to love spray paint too! I just spray painted two table lamps white...but I did get a few drips. It can entirely change the look of something! I want to paint more nut Dan's a traditional guy and loves stained wood...so I try to paint what I can!

Love the red!

Carrie said...

Haha... I said nut before... I meant but! Using my iPod is much harder to type!

Anonymous said...

It looks wonderful. Love the red color and the lamp is perfect on there. I have a chair I need painted once it warms up, can't wait to do it

Kmama said...

That is awesome. And no, I haven't spray painted anything in a LONG time. The last thing we spray painted was a mirror and it turned out kind of bad. I might do some frames when the weather gets better though!

laxsupermom said...

Love the red! It looks awesome! I can't wait until Spring finally comes around, so that I can spray paint outside. I've got a bit of cabin fever going on. Thanks for sharing.

Debra@Dejarenew.blogspot.com said...

Love this and I love that you choose red! Rock on sister. Awesome.


Unknown said...

It loks great!! My hubby spray painted a white dresser with flowers brown for our little boy.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Oh my goodness - its GORGEOUS!! I love the color and how great it looks with that lamp!!

choose to be happy blog said...

YAY i LOVE stuff like this!! inspiring

Anonymous said...

I love the red! Bright & fun furniture is my fav. I did a re-do on a wine rack that I painted red. Good color choice :)

Amy said...

I love that tone of red - super sassy -- p.s. I'm a new follower, love the blog!



Kelli said...

Great job! My mom does say that cheaper is not always better. I love the red and I absolutely adore the lamp shade. I should try spray paint this summer.

Foursons said...

I had no idea there was a difference in spray paint. Next time I won't buy the cheap stuff. I love the table and I 'm glad it was thrifted. I would have had a hard time painting cherrywood.

Lei said...

Whoa, that red really makes a difference! Love it!

CM said...

Wow, that looks so modern compared to what it was before! Good job!

carissa said...

I haven't sprayed anything lately but now I want to! The red is stunning! It looks beautiful.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It looks great!

kim west said...

love the red table! and with that lamp--to die for!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

I LOVE the after!!! It is AWESOME!!

(and I'm chuckling about the sore finger...it reminds me of when I sprayed our patio furniture several years ago...ouch..ouch...ouch.)

Have a great Friday!


Angie said...

Oh my goodness....that looks awesome. What a great job!!

Nicole @ Wohler's World said...

That looks so great! I've never spray painted before, but this makes me want to start! Thanks for sharing!

Miller Racing Family said...

Fabulous redo. The color is wonderful. I need to get the good can of spray paint and start tackling a few projects.

TheCraftInMe said...

The red makes it pop, looks awesome!

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

That is beautifulllll! I love the finish. Super elegant.

PS- I'm doing my first ever giveaway on my blog and I'd love if you would participate! http://mygirlishwhims.blogspot.com/2011/02/my-first-giveaway-and-introducing-your.html

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

One of my favorite colors! It looks so good!

Allison@FabRehab said...

I LOVE that pop of color! Great table!

Rachel {BubblyNatureCreations.com} said...

this is beautiful!!! I love the red! Here’s a party if you would like to link up… http://www.bubblynaturecreations.com/2011/03/project-party-weekend-5-ways-to-re.html

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