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Monday, February 7, 2011

Love Note in a Pancake!

I saw this really cute idea HERE a few weeks ago, and I knew it would be perfect for a fun Valentine's Day breakfast...or maybe even breakfast for dinner. While Henry and Grant were at school, Eli and I tested out the "recipe" and had a fun pancake lunch:) 

To make the Love Note in my pancakes, I added some red food coloring to a little bit of the pancake batter and my little helper stirred it up.
Then I put the colored batter into my squeeze bottles.
Here's a little tip....don't leave your opened squeeze bottle of red batter near your "helper"! They might just dump it all out and then you will have to remix your colored batter...and someone will be eating a giant red pancake for lunch.
I squeezed out the design on my griddle and let it cook for about a minute.
 Then I filled in the rest of the pancake with the un-colored batter, cooked it a few minutes {until the top is all bubbly}, and flipped it.
You can make shapes or letter....I even think some of the sayings from Conversation Hearts would be adorable! Just make sure to write all the letters backwards because they are reversed when you flip the pancake over:)
This is such an easy and fun way to serve up a plate full of love notes to your family {in the form of pancakes}!
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Kelli said...

How neat! We never make pancakes (even though I love them), but I may have to give these a try...spice it up a little.

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

Awww, what a fun idea, Kelli! Love this!

laxsupermom said...

Love this idea! I made smiley faced pancakes yesterday for the kids(by request,) but I love what the addition of food color adds to the breakfast. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I hope you will link this post to my Virtual Valentine's Day Party. I bet my readers would enjoy seeing it.

Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs said...

Awesome idea! Thanks for the link back!

Katie @ This Chick Cooks said...

These are adorable. Don't you love having a good helper? :) I'm following you now. Have a great day.

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

That is such a sweet idea! I love it Kelli!

I shared it on my TTT&J FB page :)


Hungry Like a Hippo said...

I am SO making this for my boyfriend next Monday!! Nothing says "I love you" like deliciously decorated food! lol! Thanks for the idea!

Amelia@SavoryandSweet said...

What a sweet idea! My boys would love this. We like pancakes for dinner too.:) Thanks for posting this today!!

LBB said...

So yummy & so easy! We do breakfast for dinner here once a week. I'm going to try these this week!

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

I bet my kids would love these!

Carrie said...

So neat! And it looks so yummy! That sounds so good for dinner tonight! ;-) That Eli is such a good helper, ha! What a fun idea!

He & Me + 3 said...

What a perfect breakfast note and treat. You are so creative.

amanda said...

what a super easy idea! i love it. the kiddos would love it too. thanks for sharing!!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

My girls would love that--the pancakes and the hearts. Isn't it cute how excited kids get over stuff like that? :) Where did you get your squeeze bottles??

Unknown said...

cute idea. might have to try these next monday!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea. The kids will love these!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

OH goodness the boys would love this!! Stopping by to say hi From Nichol's post ;) I agree that caramel cake picture is to die for!

Anonymous said...

Fun! I bet these were really enjoyed.

Foursons said...

My kids are so deprived.

Leslie said...

I've been looking for recipes for the big day! I love that I can have my little helper *sort of* help with this one. I will definitely be using this idea. Thanks!

Myya said...

What a fun way to start the day! :)

Patricia L said...

Gotta love those squeeze bottles! Also...Conratulations! I have nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award! If you’d like to accept the award, just visit this blog post to learn all about it. http://inthemomzone.blogspot.com/2011/02/me-stylish-why-thank-you.html
Have a great day!

phasejumper said...

Cute! I've done shapes in a pancake before, but adding the red batter made them so much more awesome! What great Valentine-y food!

*erin* said...

SO cute and so easy!

Katie @ This Chick Cooks said...

I'm featuring your delicious pancake idea here http://thischickcooks.blogspot.com/2011/02/these-chicks-cooked-featuring-recipes.html today. Thanks for sharing it and please stop by to grab a featured button if you'd like :)

Tina said...

LOVE this idea!

Unknown said...

so fun! You ARE a super mom! I am featuring this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com

laughwithusblog said...

These are the best Valentine pancakes I've seen yet! Love them!

Jess (hellowifeonline.com) said...

What a sweet idea! Thanks for visiting my blog, and thanks for posting my new valentine's day idea for breakfast :)

Erica said...

cute. my mom used to write our initials in pancakes like this :)

Jenni said...

so cool! would have never thought to put it in a squirt-y bottle like that! great job!

Anonymous said...

So Awesome. I would never have thought to do that. It's so cute.

Our Little Family said...

Great idea to use the squirt bottle, I did a similar pancake but just spooned the pink in..next time I'll use a bottle!

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

really love this!

vanpeltium said...

On the menu for tomorrow morning! THANKS for the GREAT idea!!!

Unknown said...

Love this! Sharing it onmy Monday Munchies poston 2/14! Thanks for such a fun idea-


Hungry Like a Hippo said...

Hey! I made some of these and posted it on my blog. I linked back to your blog... I hope that's okay! Thanks for the idea!

Sassy Scrubs.com said...

These are awesome! I love the squirt bottle application.

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