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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Outdoor Toy Organization

We have been working on a patio makeover for the last few weeks. One thing that I knew needed to be worked into the new design was better storage of the kids' outside toys. We have a big plastic patio box that previously held all their toys, and while it is convenient to just toss everything into the box, all of the smaller toys seem to constantly get lost at the bottom. So when my mom gave me this {used to be ugly and brown} shelf, I set out to find some kind of container that could withstand the outside elements and three boys!
 After three separate shopping trips to about 10 different stores, I finally found exactly what I was looking for at a small hardware store about 20 miles north of me. I bought 6 galvanized steel buckets at $6 each, then came home and got busy with my Silhouette. I cut out some fun oval shaped labels to correspond with all the little toys that were in the boys' outside toy collection. Now instead of digging in the big patio box for their sand toys, they can take the sand toys bucket off the shelf and head over to the sand box to play:)
 For a decorative touch above the shelf, I added an old window that I embellished with some bright and cheery yellow chevron fabric. I still think it needs a little something, and I really want to add a vinyl quote or saying....I just don't know what just yet!
I am in the process of turning the old plastic patio box into an outdoor bench, and when that is complete the patio will finally be finished and I will share it with you. In the mean time, if anybody has any ideas or suggestions of what I can add to the old window please share them!

Go HERE to see the completed patio makeover.
Visit thecsiproject.com
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lisa said...

I love this idea. The inside of our house is fairly organized, but the outside always looks like a tornado came through. I would really like to do something like this, but I am wondering, is your patio covered? I'm thinking about rust and the buckets getting filled with water. Love your blog!

Melissa said...

Love this idea! Now if only we had a patio :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That's a fantastic idea!

Kelli said...

That is perfect!!! I love the yellow, of course and those buckets are great. I don't have any suggestions for the window...I'll keep thinking.

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

Great idea! I could use this in my patio... and playroom... and bedrooms... and kitchen....

Joanna said...

Great idea! I need this on our patio. Only problem is ours isn't covered so it would get all wet and nasty...maybe I could do it on the carport, which is where all the bubbles, chalk, etc are at, at the moment. Ohhh...your brick is just like ours! :)

Melissa said...

Such a cute idea! And handy, too.

alienbody said...

I spent some time browsing through your crafts and I would like you to come to my house and be my mom....despite the fact that I'm 42 and probably older than you. ;-) I am not at all crafty or creative, so I will live vicariously through you. Thanks for all the great posts!

Rita said...

What a great idea. I have been wondering what to do with all of those toys outside. :)

Kmama said...

That is so fun and cute. is your patio covered? I could never have a wooden shelf out on our deck. It would be ruined!

Sweet+Simple said...

I love this! What a super cute idea:)

Anonymous said...

how about for the first pane ::

get dirty

for the second pane ::

play fair

and the last ::

wash up for dinner

:) love your storage idea!

Jenny @ Book Sojourner said...

Thanks so much for your last couple of patio posts. We are working on our patio this weekend, so I hope you don't mind me stealing some of your ideas :)

Darcie said...

You seriously ASTOUND me...seriously! Just when I think there is no way she can come up with more ideas(that are over the top adorable)...you do. Love the look, and love the color. Yellow is so fresh and clean.

Anonymous said...

I love this idea - just seen it posted on Facebook by Tatertots & Jello, don't think it would work on our deck, but can see it for the shed as the patio bench is already getting full up.

Seema said...

Love this idea!!! Where did you find the buckets? I'm with one of the other readers... I'd have to worry about rust... an ideas?

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

I love everything about this!!!
The buckets (I'm a sucker for any type of bucket)..the re-purposed shelf and the colors!!!

Great job!

Foursons said...

Looks cute! Is there a way to put cute, candid pictures of the boys on the window? Maybe twine strung from one end to the other and then clothes pinned on? I don't know if the weather would effect the pictures though.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! :) I love these buckets!! They would even be cute in my bathroom labeled towels, soap, etc.! I like the above quotes idea for the window too. {Or the simple "You are my sonshine!" with a little sun decal since you have all boys too!} :) Great job!

CrazyLifeAsMom said...

what type of paint? Is it water resistant?

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

It looks great, Kelli!!! Did you sand it down before you painted it, or just clean it and prime it?? Love the buckets. :)

Katelyn- Domestic Charm said...

Thanks for sharing! I love this idea and have been trying to get our patio organized... Might need to do something like this! Very cute!


Theresa said...

love this idea!


Angel said...

and their

Kalli said...

I thought a cute saying would be

will be

But I like the other ideas too!

Fresh Garden said...

Absolutely fantastic!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful ideas, you're an inspiration! :)

Tracy said...

Super cute idea, we seem to breed toys all over the garden. Being in the UK we don't get to play out everyday with the weather so this is a great storage idea for me to keep toys out of the rain! x

Jolene said...

It seems there are many who are worried about rust or the shelf unit outdoors. You can always put a sealant on all of those items and they should be perfectly fine.

As for the window... I love the idea of the one who had the quotes. You could also etch cute outdoor images or an image to go with the quote.

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

This is SO cute! How great to take a space that has a necessary 'purpose' and make it this cute! The addition of the window is really a great touch -- so nice when we can have 'kid' areas that are still so decorative -- you did a great job on this!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Did you get the little label image from Silhouette?

Miller Racing Family said...

This is fabulous. I would love to do this as we are always digging around outside for our toys and I know it will only get worse with Lila. Love the labels!
Have a great day!

Chris said...

This tells me one of two things. 1. I need to buy some galvanized bins. 2. I need to buy my kids some more outside toys! Adorable idea!

Nicole said...

I love love love this!!!

heidi said...

WOW! Just...WOW!

Jess said...

wow!! it looks like something out of a magazine!!! so perfect...i love the buckets!!!

Karen @ The Quaint Cottage said...

I love all things organized. And this is super cute. Great job!

Tammy said...

How about you tell the kiddos that if they don't put their toys in the right spot, you will put "Toys For Sale" on the window?;) Just kidding. What a great idea! We had the big bin and the little toys totally got lost and ended up in the dirt out in the yard under the tree. Thanks for sharing. I am your newest follower. Hope you can visit me sometime soon.

Jennifer said...

Great idea! I love using those buckets too!


Ginger@gingersnapcrafts.com said...

LOVE this idea. It turned out so nice. :) Following you from Tip Junkie‘s link party. Would love to have you link this up to my {wow me} wednesday link party going on right now over on my blog. Hope to see you there. :)


Mandy said...

so cute! love the buckets, shelf and window!!!

Author: Carissa Burk said...

This is awesome! You did such a great job on this project. The look of the galvanized buckets w/ the negative cut out for the words is absolutely perfect.

I found you through Made By You Mondays. Come check me out, too, if you're interested --> Carissa's Creativity Space

Anonymous said...

I love this idea. We keep our toys in our storage room...along with tools and things kids shouldn't have access to. This would be a much better solution.

Anna, www.mylifeandkids.com said...

Such a great idea - just what my back patio needs! Great job!

Rachel @ Little Kitchen, Big Bites said...

love love the idea and the cheery yellow...the shelves out of the window is such a great idea and the chevron makes it so cute and classy!

Suzanne said...

Outdoor organization is lovely! You did a great job.

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Love all of it!! you did a great job on it! I'm stopping by as the guest judge for the CSI project :)
happy crafting!

Julie said...

I'm a new follower of yours and reading this post was exactly what I've been looking for! Thank you so much for this! We have the same problem here...but not for long! Thanks again for the inspiration!

Mel said...

Found this through the csi project... great idea! Love the window.. what about adding a little planter box with some bright red flowers? (It could even be a fake planter box with fake flowers.. but of course real would be better...)

Leah said...

Great job - I'm in the process of redoing our patio too, thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Hi, any chance you sell labels you make on the silhouette? I'd love to have you make 6 labels for me. Thanks! AnaLisa

Unknown said...

Perfect- come on over and whip my outdoor goodies into shape, puh-lease!?
Happy New Year!
Kerry at HouseTalkN

Jennifer said...

This is brilliant! I love how neat and organized it is. I have to remember this come spring when we are out more. Pinning it so I don't forget! I would love if you would link it up to my party!


Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

This was a good one. :) I just loved that shelving unit!

Unknown said...

What an awesome idea! Or toys are just thrown into a box!

The Activity Mom said...

LOVE this! Just pinned it!

Unknown said...

Found you through tatertots and jello and now I'm a follower-stop by for a visit!

Six Sisters said...

This is such a great idea! We would love to have you come share this at our weekly link party every Saturday! -The Sisters


Lizbux said...

This is a really nice idea. We have just had our house fumigated so all of our stuff is packed up in storage. On the brighter side it means that I can use this time as an excuse to get the neglected areas organised. Great idea for the kids toys, our summer shed is in desperate need of space. The kids accumulate so many toys, I need self storage solutions that I can expand on. Love the buckets.

Angie Rice said...

Hi! Love this idea! How or where did you get the black labels? Are they written on with chalk? Please let me know...would love to do this!


kellymom said...

Great idea! I have 3 boys as well and this would be perfect! How did you make the labels?

Robin said...

How did you make the labels??

Robin said...

How did you make the labels?? Thank you Robin

Unknown said...

What size is the buckets you used here?

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