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Friday, March 18, 2011

Featured Friend Friday #2

Hi! I'm Ashley from Read It & Eat and For A Rainy Day. I am so excited to be guest blogging for Kelli today. So, thank you Kelli!

I am a 23-year-old southern belle married to my high school sweetheart. I'm also a super blessed stay-at-home-mom to our handsome little man who is almost TWO! We share the same birthday...cool, huh? I was born in California, but have lived on the Gulf Coast my whole life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I started Read It & Eat as a New Year's Resolution in 2010. My resolution was to try new things even if I didn't think I would like them, and to try new recipes whenever I could. Sometimes they are amazing and yummy, and sometimes they are BIG flops! I do post about the big flops, because I am open to any suggestions on how to make that recipe work for me. I am enjoying learning new recipes, and loving new foods that I thought I would or used to not like. Don't get me wrong, I have tried "new" foods that I thought I would hate, and I still hate em. This remains my resolution in 2011 and beyond. My true love in the kitchen is baking, so I post a lot of baked goods on my blog.

Like these yummy cupcakes. 
Snickerdoodle Cupcakes
I also post some of our family favorites, like Sweet & Sour Sloppy Joes (we like ours really sloppy). I have yet to eat Sloppy Joes made from can mix since.

And, I throw in some snacks every now and then. This Vanilla Popcorn is totally addicting.

About a year after I started Read It & Eat, I decided to start a crafty blog, too. I have posted some birthday projects. Here are the Spongebob invitations I did for my son's 1st birthday.

Some other things I've done are my vintage shower sign, a Valentine "Heart-gyle" wreath, and a thrifty box makeover.

Thank you SO much for reading about my blogs. Come over and visit sometime! Thanks again to Kelli for letting me post!
Ashley thanks so much for being my featured friend today! Ashley has two really cute blogs that are both worth checking out! Hop over and give her some comment love and tell her I sent you:)
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I hope you all have a great {GREEN} St. Patty's Day!
Here are a few pictures of Eli showing off some of our fun festivities:)

 Find the St. Patty's Day tie tutorial over at Mandy's place Sugar Bee Crafts!
And you can find the tutorial to make these SUPER cute Shamrock Marsmallow Pops over at Poca Cosa. She used heart shaped marshmallows which I couldn't find in the middle of March, but I think they still turned out SUPER cute with the regular marshamallows!
If you need any other last minute ideas to celebrate St. Patty's Day check out my
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Wordless Wednesday: Field Day Part Two


Click HERE for Part One
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