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Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Morning Quarterback

...or maybe just Saturday morning PeeWee Football:)
We had a day FULL of football this Saturday. The day started with Grant's 9:00 am football game. His team played hard, scored a touchdown, but lost by a few points...mostly because the other team was WAY bigger than our team. One boys on the other team was probably as big as three of our boys put together! But the Golden Eagles held their ground and played hard anyway!
After Grant's game, we came home to watch a little bit of college football on tv and eat some yummy pizza. Then we headed back to the football field for Henry's game that afternoon. Henry {#54} is the one in navy that is down on the line and ready to go. His team played hard and won their first game!

 Eli spent the day cheering in the stands! He says Henry and Grant are #1!
Did you watch any football this weekend?
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Friday, September 9, 2011

Griddle Crayon Art

 I sure I'm not the only mom who stocks up school supplies when back to school season rolls around. As soon as I see the .25 and .40 cent crayons, I go a little crazy and start throwing tons of boxes in my cart....because who doesn't love getting 24 of something for so cheap! So when I get home with all my pretty boxes of nice, new, unbroken crayons, I have to figure out what to do with the old broken ones.I just can't throw them away, even though I only paid .40 cents for them and surely got my money's worth out of them last year! If you are looking for something to do with your old crayons, this is the perfect craft to make with your kiddos to keep those crayons out of the trash and add a little bit of fun decor to your fridge {or art clothesline/wall}!
 Start by peeling the paper off of your old crayons. This is a great task for the kiddos to do while you get everything else set up:)
 Next get out your griddle {or a hot plate would work too} and a box a aluminum foil.

Tear off a couple pieces of foil big enough to cover your griddle. This is to protect your griddle from stray/runaway crayons:) I used three pieces just to be safe, but if you are using heavy duty foil one piece is probably enough. After the griddle is covered with foil, turn your griddle on low to warm up. When you get started, you may need to adjust the heat up some just be sure to not make it too hot!
To make things easier, cut your paper to the same size as your griddle. The sides of the griddle will help keep the paper in place. You could also use a small piece of tape to keep the paper in place just be careful not to tear your foil when you remove the tape.
 Hand your kiddo the crayons...
 ...warn them not to touch the HOT griddle {and supervise them closely}...
 ...then let them create!
Eli had a blast gliding the crayons over the warm paper and we even managed to come away with a pretty cute work of art. We added a few stems and leaves, and turned his orange 'scribbles' into a pumpkin family perfect for fall decorating!
Weekend Bloggy ReadingJoin  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!
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