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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lucky (Shoe) Charms

One of the worst parts about boys {in the fashion world anyway}, is the lack of accessories especially when it comes to holidays. Little girls can wear hairbows, necklaces, frilly socks, purses.....well you get the picture! And what do boys have?!? Maybe a hat or cute tie if you are lucky!
So when I started trying to come up with something for my boys to wear for St. Patrick's Day I knew I was going to have to think outside the box a little. My boys wear uniforms to school so a cute shirt is out of the question, and I'm pretty sure they would both refuse to wear a tie {even though I think a tie would be absolutely adorable}. So decided to bling up their shoes with some Lucky Shoe Charms!
I started with two colors of felt and a shamrock template.
Cut one color felt a little larger than your template and cut the other color felt a little smaller to make a layered shamrock.
Use a hole punch and make a hole through both layers of felt.
Sew the two pieces together either with a straight stitch or a decorative stitch. You could also simply use hot glue to hold them together, but I like the little bit of contrast from the white thread.
Tie the charm onto your little guy's shoe and they will be pinch free on St. Patty's Day!
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Leprechaun Jello

I was flipping through an old copy of Kraft's Food & Family Magazine a few days ago and I came across this recipe for Jello Magic Mousse. It brought back vivid memory of eating this yummy dessert at my grandmother's house when I was little. I can remember wondering how in the world my grandmother made the yummy layer dessert! Well now I know how thanks to Kraft:)
When I came across this recipe I also thought it would be really fun to make with green Jello for St. Patrick's Day! So yesterday my boys and I made Leprechaun Jello!
{I have to be honest and tell you that I made this completely for my boys and didn't intend to even taste it...mainly because green jello makes me think of not so great hospital food. Well, I tasted it while I was getting ready to take the final picture, and it was so good! It tastes a lot like a creamy Key Lime pie, and nothing like the gross cubes of Jello that they serve at hospitals!}
You will need 3 cups of boiling water, 1 big box of Lime Jello, 1 16 oz. tub of Cool Whip
Mix the Lime Jello powder with the boiling water for 2 minutes or until completely dissolved.
Add the Cool Whip to the bowl.
Stir until all the Cool Whip melts into the warm Jello mixture.
Carefully pour the Jello into glass containers. This makes approximately 10 servings 1/2 cup each.
Refrigerate the mixture for about 8 hours until set. Top with a little Cool Whip and a gold coin.
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Friday, March 4, 2011

A Little Bit of Randomness for Friday

If you missed it yesterday, I was over at Amanda's place doing a SUPER fun interview! Hop over, check it out, and leave some comment love it you have the time today!
Also don't forget to enter the giveaway from my new sponsor Say It On The Wall!
I have been in a major crafting slump lately. I honestly have barely stepped foot in my craft {aka dining} room in at least two weeks, and there are still remnants of Valentine's projects all over the table. I haven't had a whole lot of St. Patty's Day craft inspiration, but I do have some fun food ideas so stay tuned for those next week:)

Henry brought this paper home from school one day this week. His teacher thought it was interesting...I think it is a little weird! Can you imagine naming your kid Gum!?!

Grant lost another tooth last week bringing his totally up to 4! Apparently he is a bit of a anomaly because most 5 year old have only lost one or two teeth at this point! I honestly think he was just trying to keep up with Henry {who has also lost 4 teeth as of now}!
 Eli spent more than hour yesterday running around wearing Grant's old superhero cape saying "To the Rescue!" It was more than just a little cute:) First thing this morning he found the cape and insisted I tie it for him! I think maybe he needs one of his own, because Grant's has a big G on the back:)
I am going on a mission today to find a King Cake from Paul's Pastry Shop. They make the most wonderful King Cakes ever, but their store is close to two hours from us. I saw on their website that a few local stores are carrying their King Cakes this year, so Eli and I will be hitting up a few convenience stores today in hopes of finding our favorite cream cheese variety! If you've never had a King Cake you should check out their website....they ship anywhere in the U.S.!
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