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Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday!
This blog carnival was created by Mckmama at My Charming Kids!
Go check out her blog and see what everyone else has NOT been doing this week!

I have NOT been in major pain because of my wrists this week. I have NOT had to keep one and sometimes both of them wrapped up everyday this week.

I did NOT wear a long sleeve shirt to the Heart Walk on Saturday even though it was going to be close to 70 degrees outside. I did NOT do this because I didn’t want people looking at the lovely bandage that I had to wrap on my aching wrist. I was NOT sweating after walking at least 3 miles in my long sleeve shirt.

I did NOT fall asleep on the couch before 9 pm almost every night this week. I have a ton of energy {and a ton of stuff to do} and would never fall asleep that early.

My house is NOT a total wreck this morning, because I have NOT been lazy and just let the junk pile up over the weekend. I always keep a spotless house and always put things away as soon as I am finished with them. My kids do NOT make huge messes and then leave them out either! {I thought about posting a picture of the mess, but I would be way too embarrassed to show you how really messy my house is right now!!!}

I am NOT both loving and very frustrated with my new camera at the same time. The camera does NOT take wonderful pictures in AUTO mode. It is NOT going to take forever for me to learn how to really use the camera and all of its fancy modes

Have a GREAT week and don’t forget to go check out My Charming Kids for more Not Me! Monday!!.
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Aileigh said...

You were just getting a head start on daylight savings time! :) My house is messy too! What are you gonna do?

Jennifer W. said...

LOL..my messy house is going to be one of my not me entries too! Sorry about your wrists! Poor Eli-shame on you, blaming that baby!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hope your wrist feels better too. You are definitely not the only one with housework issues!!

Dee said...

LOL! Yeah..I keep going to bed all early too! I just blame it on being preggers!

Kimberly @ Raising Olives said...

I just bought a de-junking book because, you know, we don't have enough books.


godfrey said...

We will have time to keep our houses clean when our babies are out of the house. Lets just have fun now! I will save all of the cute bows for your next little one!

Anonymous said...

Just do like i do and blame the messy house on the 4 males living in your house, (even though we know that it is not all there fault).
Hope your wrist get to feeling better soon. See ya'll @ ball tonight.

amanda said...

i'm never lazy. i never have a messy house. :0)

Ehrenfelds said...

Thanks for stopping-by! We love visitors :)

Makayla is about 4 1/2 months. Your little guy Eli is a cutie!

I was just looking around and I saw a picture of your beautiful Rachel Ray pot. I am also a big fan. But more importantly I see you were making applesauce for Eli. I have recently decided to attempt my own baby food and now I am just looking for some advice and instruction.

Can you email me the recipe you use to ehrenfeld@tampabay.rr.com

Noele said...

Love your Not Me! post. I have been slacking on those lately, but I am glad to know that my house isn't the only one that is NOT messy!!

Your boys are adorable!!

He & Me + 3 said...

I have been so tired lately too. I hear ya on the camera..I took a class and still do not know how to use the fancy modes. :)

More Than Words said...

LOL..I totally enjoyed your NMM post!!!

Oh my gosh..I totally want to get a new camera, but I hesitate because all of the reading I'll have to do to just learn all the features!!! I hear that you can do soooo much out of auto mode..LOL!

Tina said...

You show me yours and I'll show you mine! ;) Trust me, you are SO not the only one with a wreck of a house right now!

Mickey said...

Yea, let's not start posting pictures of messes, okay? LOL!!

You will love that new camera once you get used to it. I have the D50 and it's been a dream. So much that I really want to upgrade to the D90. If only our money tree would grow and then bloom. ;)

Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Oops! The above comment from "Mickey" is actually from me. Didn't realize DH was signed into Google. ;) :p

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