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Monday, November 12, 2012

Gobble, Gobble: Turkey Waffles (Again)

I truly can't believe that Thanksgiving is only a little more than a week away! It feels like we just got through Halloween, and I really haven't had much time to think about Thanksgiving...so I'm re-posting these fun Thanksgiving waffles that I made for my boys last year!
I have been brainstorming Thanksgiving ideas for a while now. It's amazing how hard it is to come up with a good waffle idea for a holiday based around food:) I tried to make Cornucopia Waffles with an abundance of M&M's, but all that did was make a huge mess of the waffle iron. So I decided to give Turkey Waffles a try instead. Now I know the name makes them sound kind of gross because seriously who wants savory turkey hiding in their waffles! Don't let the name scare you off...there is not a trace of real turkey in these fun and colorful Thanksgiving waffles:)
I started with the usual suspects...and my usual helper:) 
**waffle mix, food coloring, and Eli**
 Mix up your waffles according to the directions. You will need four waffles total to make two turkeys. By the way, these are sharing waffles...two people per turkey:)
*Start by making one plain waffle.*
*While that waffle is cooking divide your remaining batter into three bowls.*
*Add green, yellow, and orange food coloring each into one of the bowls and stir to combine.* 
*Cook the three colored waffles and then get ready to assemble.*

Start by cutting the plain waffle in half and the colored waffles into quarters.
Lay out the colored waffles in a turkey tail pattern starting with the outside ones{green here} and working your way in. Lay the half plain waffle on top of the turkey tail and adjust as needed. Use one of the leftover yellow quarter waffles to make a beak for your waffle. I simply cut off the pointed edge and added it on top of the plain waffle. 
What kind of fun foods are you making to celebrate Thanksgiving this year?
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staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

still one of my faves!

Kelli said...

I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving either. I always love your waffles. Maybe I need to treat myself to a waffle iron!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Those are too cute! I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week!

Anonymous said...

I love the abstract design of this food creation!

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

Those are SO cute! We make some silly shapes with pancakes around here but nothing so cute as these waffles! Thanks for sharing them!

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