For some reason Valentine's Day crafting and creating has been difficult for me this year! I'm not sure if it's because I used up all my creativity over the last few years, or if Pinterest has made me feel way less creative than I thought I was. Either way, the new Valentine ideas have just not been flowing much this year. So I thought it might be fun to recap a few of my past Valentine's Day ideas in one big Valentine Round Up post! They are all really cute and really easy to do...which is perfect for all us busy moms who really don't have to make all of those amazing Pinterest level crafts!
Number 1: Kaleidoscope Valentines
Number 2: Valentine Chalkboard Candy Boxes
Number 3: Chocolate Covered Strawberry Waffles
Number 4: Valentine Hula Hoop Wreath
Number 5: Tootsie Roll Bank Valentine
Number 6: Love Note in a Pancake
Number 7: See Through Valentines
Number 8: Play-Doh Valentines with Printable
Number 10: Valentine Mailbox Magnets
Number 11: Ruffled Valentine Dishtowels