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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blog Swap: Jen from Larsenloves!

Hello Random Thoughts of a SUPERMOM Fans~ I am Jennie, or some know me as JenGlamGirl, and I am from Larsenloves. I AM THRILLED to be spotlighting my blog today on KELLI's blog. Kelli is very talented and I just love seeing her creations. She is also a busy mom of three darling boys, that have the cutest names ever. I enjoy seeing pics. of all her creations, and posts about her life as a SUPER mom. I am honored to be on Kelli's blog today.

My family this past Easter Sunday.

A little about me, I married my blind date (by big brother approval) his name is Kevin and we have been married for 10 years going on 11. We have three children together Preston 8, Arabella 4, and Ryker 15 mos. Together we live in beautiful Southern Utah. I stay at home with my dumplings and keep busy with them. As well as many crafts, projects, diy days, decorating, cooking, and of course blogging. Let me share just some of the things I enjoy doing, creating, and sprucing, and then blogging them ;)

I will start you off, by showing you this chair and table my hunny and I re-finished a little over a year ago. It was light oak on top and the base and chairs were a aqua country blue, with big blue and white gingham cushions. I told the hun, that I wanted black and dark walnut. We HE worked hard, but I helped too!

Here is a DIY picture arrangment or grouping I put together in my hallway nook. I "ADORE" my children. This was a very populare post and even was featured on Somehwhat Simple. ;)

One large DIY project I did, was finding this huge shelf on Craigslist in knotty pine and then painting, painting, touching up, and sanding it. Its a treasure I sure enjoy, as well as changing it out and decorating it for the holidays.

I love LOVE to decorate, and will show you my decorations in hopes to inspire. ;) I especially show my decorations during the holidays. I love to decorate my entry table, here is my Entry table as of now.

Another DIY project I did was prime, paint, decoupage, and vinyl my daughters headboard.

I love to craft, and just recently opened up a craft blog Craftomaniac.blogspot.com SO FOR those of you who enjoy crafts, and crafts blogs are more your speed, I would love for you to come check me out. However, all my home decor, DIY, decorating, Fashion Fridays, and many more things including all things Larsen... will be on LarsenLoves.
here are a few crafts on my craft blog. Mod Podged napkin styrofoam balls.

decorated plates with craft paper.

I offer a few other fun things on my blog during the week, like Sweet Saturday Somethings, Fashion Fridays (everyother Friday) This and That Thursday, and Wordless Wednesdays.... There will always be silly fun updates and pics. on the fam. too.

here is an example:

Doll up the eyes, with color!

This and That Thursday is a really fun post I do every other Thursday, in fact I do it on the week that I don't do Fashion Fridays. It's a post of all things I find THAT THIS gal love's or like's.

Here is an Example of one of my Wordless Wednesdays~ "PRETTY IN PINK"

I sure hope you all come visit me at LarsenLoves, I would be thrilled and flattered if you followed me too!


I'm over at Jen's place today, so hop over there and leave me some comment love:)

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Decorating Dilemma

Decorating Dilemmas

I got a ton of great advice from the last time that I participated in Amanda's fun Decorating Dilemmas party. So I'm linking up again with the hope that I can get some more great feedback!We are still in the middle of redoing our living room. This redo seems to be the project that will never end....hopefully with your help it will be a little closer to the end though.

My dilemma is this table:

My hubby built it to go behind our new sectional. The couch was just not quite centered in the room the way we wanted it, so he built this table to sit behind the couch and make it more centered in the room. Now I have an extremely long flat surface to decorate.

The biggest problem is that we built it to the height of the back of the couch, but the cushions stick up a little higher. That means that the bottom 3-4 inches of anything that is on the table can't be seen from the other side of the room.
Notice how the birdcage looks so small in this last shot. I am thinking of putting a stand underneath the birdcage, but I don't think I can do that with every single thing I put on the table. I am also having trouble deciding what to put on the wall behind the couch. We have a big wall of pictures to the left of this wall, a wall of windows to the right, and the tv is in front of the couch.
Any suggestions for how to decorate this {kind of} awkward table and the big empty wall behind it would be greatly appreciated!

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Saying Thank You

It is that time of the year when everything starts coming to an end...school, sports, clubs, and other activities.
That also means it is time to say "Thank You" to some special people.
I packaged up cookies for the owner of the pharmacy that sponsored Henry and Grant's t-ball team this year. I thought it would be nice to let them know we are thankful for the support they show our community.
I even packaged the cookies up in the boys' team colors:)
I thought Grant's preschool teacher deserved a little pampering after a year with a room full of 4 year olds. I bought her a gift certificate to a local spa, and packaged it up with some nail polish, lotion, and body scrub.
Henry's teachers deserve a much bigger "Thank You" than I could ever give them, but I put together a little package to let them know how GOOD our year in Kindergarten has been. They each got a basket full of Mr. Goodbars and a gift certificate to a local restaurant along with a note that said "Thanks for making it a GOOD year!" Love, Henry.

What kind of things do you do to tell others THANK YOU?

Join  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up  party!
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