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Friday, May 22, 2009

Photostory Friday: SUPER Summer Kit

I figured I would post a few pictures of all the goodies that I will be sending Konnie's way for winning my SUPER Summer Giveaway! SUPER cute tote bag, sunscreen, flip flops, a water bottle holder, some crystal light packets, and Konnie's SUPER cute personalized towel!
Ice pops for the kiddos

Bubbles and a bubble wand....also for the kiddos

Flip flops, sunscreen, and the SUPER cute tote bag

Personalized towel made by me!

Because Konnie is one of my IRL friends and only lives about 10 minutes from me, I will be personally dropping off her prize {or giving it to her at the t-ball field}!
That means I don't have to pay for shipping on this giveaway....which was nice {because priority shipping is EXPENSIVE}....but it also means that I am feeling just a little generous!
SO, I am planning on doing another smaller giveaway {probably just a SUPER cute personalized towel} in a week or two...so keep your eyes peeled for another giveaway post in the near future!
Have a great weekend!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

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Jennifer W. said...

OMGosh that towel is super cute!! Such a great bunch of summer fun stuff! Lucky Konnie!!! :)

Emily said...

SUPER cool! I wish I had won! lol

Foursons said...

Wow, great job on the towel!

My Trendy Tykes said...

Fun stuff!!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Fun summer goodies! Cute towel!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

That is a beautiful towel! Great job!

Anonymous said...

I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!! You did a Great job on the beach towel. I may get you to make some for My sisters and sister in law for there birthday's, Now that you are feeling better.

More Than Words said...

Man...she's lucky! LOL!

I'm totally entering in your next giveaway! That towel is too cute!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

That was the cutest gift ever. She is gonna love it all. how fun!

Kelli said...

That is an adorable gift. I LOVE the towel so I will definitely be checking back.

Tracy said...

I especially like the beach towel. Great job!!

Carrie said...

What a cute towel! That is super fun...you are awesome! I'm sure she will be thrilled to get it! Have a great weekend!!!

Shellie said...

Cute towel!

Kerri said...

You did a great job on the towel!! : )

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