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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Here Comes Trouble!

For more Wordless Wednesday check out 5 Minutes for Mom!

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Carrie said...

Oh how cute! I sure miss that chubbiness! What a cutie...look out! hee hee! ;)

He & Me + 3 said...

So cute. What is he after? Something tiny that can go in his mouth I am sure. lOL

Michelle said...

LOVE this picture!! such a cutie

collyn23 said...

thats cute so fun!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute pic of Eli!!! Boy is he after something! LOL!

Cassie said...

Watch out! He is so cute :) Great picture.

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, that's a GREAT shot!

More Than Words said...

I just wanna scoop him up!!!

What is he trying to reach? A coin??? LOL!!

A Family Completed... said...

How cute is he. Everything you ever overlooked on your floors he will find for you! You may need to spend them next 5 month in that same angle you shot this, lol
Happy WW

Shasta said...

Aww!! Look at that face, he is sooo cute!! Love that you took it from his level!

Tracy said...

He's so sweet. Cute pic.

Staci A said...

Adorable! Looks like he's after you!

Dee said...

LOL!!! GREAT picture!

Aileigh said...

LOVE this picture!!! Great job! And too cute subject!!

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