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Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Does anybody else feel a little ripped off by the whole Jon and Kate Plus 8 thing! I almost feel like I have been cheated out of all the hours that I invested wasted watching their show {plus the day that I spent listening to them speak at a church event}.

I thought I was watching a wholesome Christian family with two loving parents who were going to show me and the world that "Yeah, being a parent is tough {especially if you have 8 kids}, but we can do it!" Turns out, it was just a show about two people who wanted to make some money and are too selfish to work on their marriage{or at least that is how it looks to me}.

I know that they are on T.V. {which I'm sure put a major strain on their marriage}, but just 6 short months ago they seemed to be a completely happy couple! How do you go from happy to filing for legal termination of your marriage in 6 months?!? I just don't get that! Wouldn't you think 10 years of marriage would at least be worth a year of counselling and "working" on it.

I'm not judging their decision to get a divorce, I just think it seems like they gave up on their marriage really easily. And it makes me wonder if that is why the divorce rate is so high in the U.S. Because it's the EASY way out. Why work on your marriage {a bond that is instituted and ordained by God } when all you have to do is sign your name on the dotted line and you are free to go. I know people have many reasons for getting divorced {and I know that no one goes into a marriage thinking it will end in divorce}, I just wish more people would work on saving their marriages instead of giving up on them!

There are two things about their whole situation that really bother me:

#1 The Isaiah 40:31 { but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint} shirts that both Jon and Kate wore at some point over the last four seasons. They got weary awfully fast....and we have heard no mention of God or their faith in regards to their marriage {or lack thereof}!

#2 "Everything we do is for our kids" They kept saying this over and over...and all I could think is: Do something for you and your spouse! Leave the kids with a sitter {or nanny since you already have one} and do something for yourself...work on your marriage! It's your life too...not just your kids'!

Okay, sorry for the rant! I just wish things would have turned out better for this family that seemed like such a great Christian example! I guess seemed is probably the operative word in that sentence, because you never really know what is going on in other people's lives {even if you do feel like you know them from watching them on t.v.}! And I also know that it is much easier to see the bigger picture when you are looking from the outside {and not caught up in the storm}! I really do hope and pray that things work out for Jon and Kate and their kids....who knows, we may be watching a happy reunion{boy that would score some major ratings} in a few months!

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mummyof6monsters said...

I havent seen Jon and Kate (except on Oprah)( Im on Australia its only on pay tv and we are too cheap haha) but even I think its bizarre that their marriag has fallen apart in such a short time!

Foursons said...

I was thinking the same thing last night. Why the heck aren't they doing counseling? Obviously it is Jon who filed for divorce and he's tired of being "whipped" but that could have been worked on in counseling. Have you noticed how unhappy Mady and Cara have looked lately? Those 2 girls are suffering the most from all of this. They always said from the beginning that they'd quit the show as soon as it became a problem for their kids. Apparently money speaks louder then a healthy family. Humpfh.

Anonymous said...

I am with you, I was really ticked last night when Jon said that he was excitied about starting his new life, i have a big problem with that, i think if you really loved your kids and you at some point loved your wife{which he did or he wouldn't have married Kate 10 years ago} you would not say that to anyone even if you felt that way. But the sad part is that i don't doubt for one second that they were a Christian couple that started this whole Tv thing to help with there money issues or to help document there kids lives, but they got to money hungry and forgot about the one person and that was God. They let the Devil get in the middle of marriage, and I pray that one day they will seek God again and try to work out there marriage for the sake of there family.

Emily said...

The thing that really ticks me off is how they both said, "This is not what we wanted for our kids..." Then don't do it. Seriously, when you have kids you give up the right to be selfish like that. Jon said, "Kate and I can't even be around eachother without arguging". Then learn to be an adult and learn to be polite. My in laws have been divocred for over 20 years and STILL cannot get along. I totally don't understand how you can at one point love someone enough to get married and have children together and then suddenly hate them so. I totaly agree with you...I feel cheated and think they have totally cheated their kids which is even worse. My husband told me last week that all he ever wanted growing up was a "normal" family with parents who enjoyed being married. I don't care what so called experts say...I think it's better for children to have an intact family than to be a product of divorce. Ok, that was wayyyy more than my fair two cents! lol

{Kimber} said...

It is sad & I wondered the same thing why after presenting to everyone that they were believers to not even try seems nuts...especially when the kids are involved...divorce sucks for everyone believe me I've been there but I can say I gave it my all...:)

Anonymous said...

I hate to say this but Jon reminded me of my ex the way he acted so nonchalant. He was acting almost excited about starting a "new" life. Whatever! He will never have a "new" life, just one that is WAY more complicated!!!

Tara said...

You said it way better then I attempted to.

Kelli said...

It's so sad and I completely agree with you. TV aside, they should at least try and work on it. Maybe they did. Marriage is tough, 8 kids or not, but you work through it and lean on God. OR you stop your TV show and focus on your marriage. But nooo..as she said, the show must go on. And the marriage doesn't? That's backwards. Those poor children. When the cameras are gone (because the fad will be over soon), what's left then?

Carrie said...

Right on! I was so sad...I saw a sensitive side to Kate..and felt a little sorry for her, i don't think she wanted to end it, but Jon...yeah, he seemed eager to go, like he was free or something! I wonder with the show cancelled, how Kate will make her living. they invested way too much time with the show, when they should've saved some time to actually be private and work on what was important! And I agree that they definitely needed their own time, not just ALL about the kids. I really thought they ended it too easily too...they really seemed to have strong marriage values...but guess not :( I would love to see them work it out, but I also hope that they just make the right choices from here...

Mandy T said...

Its like Ive been saying they are full of CRAP and im sick of them now!

Jennifer W. said...

Carrie, she's the one who filed for divorce, though, no matter how emotional she was about it. I didn't watch it-I didn't have to. My thought is:
Fight for your marriage!!
Fight for your family!!
You two are not the only ones who are affected by what's going on here. If you really love your kids, stop just saying you are doing what's best for them and start actually doing it. Divorce is never what's best for the kids. Unplug from TLC and plug back in to God!! If you can't put Him at the center, none of the rest works either. While I don't think most people go into a marriage thinking it will end in divorce, they do go into it thinking it's always a way out if they aren't satisfied. Paul and I said from the beginning that divorce would NEVER be an option-and we both meant it. That decision completely changes the way you go about your relationship! There is no easy out, so you'd better be prepared to dig in, work it out, and basically do whatever it takes to fix it. But then again, that requires a desire to stay together. I think Jon and Kate decided they don't WANT to fix it. It's easier-in the short term-to just end it. I am so heartbroken for those kids, and I will be praying for them all!!

ShadowKazuni said...

I just sat and cried the other night watching their show. Like you, I was sad that they are seemingly giving up with little/no fight. And the fact that I, along with millions of other Americans, was watching the "dissolution" of a real marriage and family broke my heart. I had hoped by some miracle they would announce that they were quitting the show to work on their marriage. No such luck. :0(

Heidi Boos said...

Kelli, I agree with everything you said and the comments left. It really is just so sad. Especially when divorce is starting to be the norm. That's not right!!

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