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Monday, June 8, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

We are NOT loving the summer!

After my posts about food the last few weeks, I did NOT decide that even though I am happy with what we eat at our house, maybe we could broaden our horizons a little and try a few different things too.

I did NOT take an adventurous trip to Target and roam the isles looking for some interesting {but still yummy} food! I have NOT found my new favorite snack! It is not NUTELLA! I have NOT eaten an entire jar of it by myself in the last two weeks! It is NOT delicious, and I have NOT been sitting at the computer eating pretzels dipped directly in the jar of Nutella!

On my adventurous trip to Target I also did NOT buy all of the ingredients to make hummus. I did NOT actually make the hummus, but then end up throwing it away because the smell was SO BAD! I did NOT put way too much tahini {a weird smelling sesame paste that is only for the very brave} in my hummus, making it basically inedible! On my next trip to Target I did NOT just buy some premade hummus {which didn't smell like feet and was actually very tasty}!

I am NOT just a little glad that VBS is over! We had a great time...but VBS is NOT a ton of work, and I was NOT just a little exhausted by the end of the week! I was NOT SUPER excited that three little girls walked the isle at church during the early service {and I think a few more during the late service} because they had gotten saved during VBS!

I did NOT have an AWESOME time Saturday night with my girls! Girls Night Out is NOT the best stress reliever ever! We did NOT have a great dinner and then we did NOT spend about two hours roaming around Target making way too much just a little bit of noise! I did NOT talk Karen into buying some Nutella....and I don't think she is now in love with it too!

I am NOT going to remind everyone one more time to enter my GIVEAWAY for a SUPER cute personalized beach towel! The giveaway does NOT end tonight at 10 pm Central Time!

Pin It!


Anonymous said...

you are so funny! and yeah, me and Alyssa both are totally addicted to the stuff, but don't like at the fat grams...ugh!!! LOL

{Kimber} said...

Looks like I found someone who does NOT love Target as much as me!!

Emily said...

Too funny! I am a huge hummus fan...but yeah, the smell when you make it yourself is not tasty...I'm all about buying it pre-made! Our VBS is next week...I'm looking forward to it but not looking forward to being exhausted!! There is nothing like a Girls Night Out!

Anonymous said...

Great Not Me's! I actually stood in Target the other day and debated on buying some premade Hummus and thought well i will just try to make it myself but know i think I may go for the premade version. I started to buy some Nutella, Isaac loves it, but he is on a diet and he begged me not to get it. It would so not help with his diet.

Jennifer W. said...

LOL...you sound like me-I've been trying to get up the courage to buy all these new, interesting, healthy foods too! Although I have to admit that I was really looking forward to the Nutella-I LOVE nuts in any form! They are a weakness. I would probably eat a whole jar in a day or two!! Anyway, did your kids eat the hummus? My kids can be SOOOO picky! What did you eat it with? I think I turned my email on...

More Than Words said...

LOL about the hummus!

Oh..I love my girls night out too!!! Just being able to go to dinner w/ my friends and relaxing IS the best stress reliever!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Yikes...feet smelling hummus. YUM. LOL
We can't wait for summer here.
What fun that you got to go out on a GNO. Too fun. I will have to try that NUtella. I have never heard of it.

Foursons said...

Yuck, I can't stand the smell or texture of hummus! ewwww... And how awesome about VBS! I love that lives were saved!

Carrie said...

this nutella sounds good...not the smelly hummus! LOL! I give you kudos for trying to make your own...I don't think I've ever even tried hummus!

Love Girl's Night Out! What's better than spending it at Target! So jealous!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

We are SOOOO loving the summer, too. Our VBS is next week... yikes!

Love that BLUE background in the photo. Pool pictures are the best!

I'm glad you already know what TUMP means cuz I've had to explain it in a bazillion comments already today. =0)

~ Erica

Tracy said...

Girls Night Out was a blast!! I might have to try the humus sometime. We are getting bored with the same old stuff around here too.

Mandy T said...

Ok so I guess I need to try the hummes and nutella. Ill try yours before I go buy it!!
Had a blast saturday night, cant wait to take you out or your bday!!

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