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Friday, January 29, 2010

Nobody Likes To Be Sick!

But our house has been full of it this week.

If you read my tweets you have already heard some of the {gross} details of our week...but I figured being sick is so much fun that I might as well share our misery with everyone who reads my blog too:)

The fun started Tuesday at the park. After walking a few laps around the track, I let Eli play on the climbing structure and slide with Grant for awhile. Eli managed to climb all the way to the top of the slide and then vomit EVERYWHERE!

I was in shock for a minute, trying to figure out if maybe he had eaten a leaf and gagged! Nope, he was sick. I had to take him to the car, strip him down to his diaper, and then climb my big behind to the top of the slide and clean up the mess! It was not fun....luckily I had half a tub of baby wipes in my car:)

So, we come home...and he throws up a few more times on Tuesday but then seems fine on Wednesday. But by Wednesday night, everybody was joining in on the vomiting fun! Henry, Grant, and Eli were each up at different times throughout the night...and poor Jason had to take blankets out in the freezing cold to clean them off.

Now, I have spent all day Thursday...and will spend most of today too...sitting around the house with sick kiddos, hoping that by some miracle I don't get this lovely virus that they seem so eager to share!

This is what the boys have been up too:

And this is all they have been drinking:

Hopefully, the sickness will be gone soon. In the meantime, we will
sleep on the couch
watch movies all day
and drink lots of Gatorade!
In non-vomit related news, I have been trying to throw together a last minute vacation. The boys are out of school for three days in a few weeks, and I really want to take them to see SNOW! I am leaning towards somewhere in the Smoky Mountains...maybe around Asheville, North Carolina. If anybody has any great places to visit or tips for that area, please share!

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Kelli said...

North Carolina...what? Bring them to Ohio! Ha, ha...I had to try. I hope they all feel better very soon and that you don't get it.

Katie said...

Aww... poor babies, and poor YOU! Yuck. I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

My hubby and I went to Asheville once for a Valentine's weekend getaway, and it was wonderful. I highly recommend it! If you go, you have to see the Biltmore Estate. It's amazing!

Carrie said...

Poor guys ;( I hope this weekend breaks the bug! they look so sweet, though :)

Ashville is beautiful! We went to the Biltmore for our honeymoon and the Smoky mts! We've always wanted to go back and stay in the little chalet again, so cute! sounds like a great little getaway, how fun!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I hope the boys feel better soon!
Asheville is beautiful!

KTW said...

Poor kiddies! Hope they're all better soon and that they do not share with you.
Let me share a great little tip with you. Keep an empty coffee can in your vehicle. Whenever you're out somewhere with a sick one, they can hold onto that can until you get them home. If they DO vomit in it, snap on the lid and contain the odor/mess until you get home. My kids were prone to car sickness so we kept a coffee can for each of them in the back floor of the vehicle at all times.

Jennifer Norch said...

Aww...nobody likes to have the sickies! Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

I've never been to Asheville, but I hear it's beautiful. Enjoy your family getaway!

Anonymous said...

Awww I hope everyone is feeling better soon. It's no fun with sick kids especially 3. Take it easy mama.

Darcie said...

OH...so sorry to see! Yours is the second blog family have seen in three minutes that has sick kiddos. So hard on the kids and parents. Hope it will not last too long, and I hope you have a relaxing weekend, even if it is sticking close to home with family.

Miller Racing Family said...

Oh, bless your heart. I hate when the kiddos are throwing up, them being sick and plus the clean up is exhausting.
Hope you all get well soon.

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Hi Kelli!

I'm so sorry to hear that your kids are sick. That is no fun!!!

I love your new camera strap. That is awesome!


Myya said...

Oh no your poor lil guys. I hope they start feeling better soon & I SO hope you don't get what they have!!! Sending healthy thoughts your way :)

More Than Words said...

I know firsthand how hard that is to keep up with the vomit!!! It's sooo tiring to clean up after everyone is throwing up left and right!! THat happened to me years ago, when all my kids were sick throughout the night. What was worst is when I got sick too!!!!!

Praying that they all get better soon!

Stephanie said...

Poor things! I'm so sorry they've been sick. We were there just alittle over a week ago and now the coughing has started again here already. I hope they start feeling better very very soon!!!!!

What part of the country are you in? We're only about an hour and a half from asheville in sc.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the boys are sick. Praying for a speedy recovery and that you and Jason stay well! I would recommend Asheville, we have been to Biltmore and it is beautiful but it is alot of walking and alot of just looking with no touching, but Pigeon Forge is great this time of year also, although you would have to go up on the montains to see alot of snow!

Emily said...

Oh bless their little hearts. I hope they feel better soon. And that you and Jason don't get it. You should call the CDC and see if they'll send you some of those bio hazard suits to wear. :)

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Oh no! That is miserable. I hope that everyone is getting better soon!

I am hosting the Friday Free 4 All today so come and put in your entries~!

Angie said...

I saw your tweet about the park...bless you guys hearts. I hope your little guys get well soon.

Foursons said...

Poor boys and poor Mom! I hope they feel better soon.

amanda said...

we do have snow in wisconsin. ;0)

also...i don't know if i would've been able to stomach cleaning up the slide. you're a good mommy and citzen to do that! :0)

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Oh darlin', I'm so sorry! Kenners had something last week, but no one else seemed to get it. She woke up throwing up AGAIN this morning. What is going on??? Praying that you don't get it, and that everyone is feeling better SOON! Can't wait to find out where you go on vacation!!!

Rissa said...

Hope you all feel better soon.. will say prayers for all of you tonight... keep the gaterade on hand.. i know that helped me when i was sick..


He & Me + 3 said...

Oh no Kelli...I am so sorry. Hope that they are feeling better. Poor babies. We love Asheville NC. So beautiful. We almost moved there.

Bits-n-Pieces said...

your poor babies. I hope they are all feeling better now.
and yaay you for cleaning up the slide...so many people wouldn't have. Seriously! They wouldn't. So yaaay on you for doing it!!

Rumour Miller said...

Sounds like my house! I hope you are all on the mend!

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