Yes, that is a whole box of tissues.

No, I did not freak out.

Yes, my little mess maker is Eli.
Yes, I just let him continue playing with the tissues.
Yes, I stuffed them back in the box.
Yes, I put it back on the shelf for him to play with another time.
No, I didn't tell Jason.
I hope he doesn't need a tissue:)

Hahaha- sometimes it's the little things in life that make life a bit more bearable.
I love his little feet!
Oh my-that looks so much like my house it's not funny :)
I've seen that with toilet paper/tissues/wipes you name it.
With the wipes and tissues sometimes you just have to leave them be. I mean they're quiet and occupied for a few peaceful minutes and that is priceless :)
how cute!!!
He is a sweetheart. :) And tissues are replaceable. ;)
I agree...pick your battles and if he had fun and no one got hurt then that is all that matters...I am sure he had a blast! Love the series of shots!
Love it! I've totally done that when Charlie found the box of plastic baggies.
I can see why you couldn't be mad at that face. At least the tissues will be broken in!
haha! I remember a certain little girl in this house did that to a whole roll of paper towels once! He looks so sweet...how could you get mad? ;) I would've done exactly the same thing! Too funny!
You just gotta pick your battles sometimes, and a box of kleenex really isn't that big of a deal! Yay you!
Look at his little face!! I wouldn't be mad either!!! Awww!
He's adorable!!! My daughter used to do that with her baby wipes all the time!
What is there about a Kleenex box and kiddos. I still have to hide mine from my 5 year old as she likes to use them as blankets for her stuff animals. I guess we only live once...play away I say!
cute! i'm the same way...let 'em have their fun ;)
Gotta love blogging...it will calm you down about the messes. Just take pictures and blog. All better...for me anyways! Before blogging I would have been upset about that. Even though it really is nothing to get upset over. Eli is adorable.
Is he the cutest, or what? My Kam loves taking the tissues out of the box too. And wipes. She could sit with a wipes box for a whole two minutes ;)
So been there. Noah did that with an entire box of wipes tonight. I just shoved them back in the box. :P
This is so cute. I love the photo with his little toes and the tissues. I guess we can say boys will be boys.
I always think at these moments, it won't be like this for long, I better enjoy it!
Have a fabulous day!
awww!! if it was tissues, then you are lucky.
I've got a pic of my now 16 yr old at about the same age as your little darling sitting in a pile of cheetos...just as happy as a he can be. He'd dumped out the whole bag..on the carpet and was chowing down on big puffy cheetos. I love that pic..but little cheesy crumbs are not easy to vacuum up!
I have a mess maker too. He is too cute to get scolded or sent to time out.
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