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Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Recap in Pictures

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~Shari said...

awww great Easter photos!

Carrie said...

Those are great pictures...LOVE the family photo!
Looks like such beautiful sunny weather...it's been nothing but rain here.
Love the W flower pots on your porch too! ;-)

Unknown said...

Looks like a wonderful weekend!! Those pictures are definitely a keeper!

LBB said...

Looks like you guys had a great Easter weekend :) Are you as tired as I am?!!

Anonymous said...

Awww what a great time. Looks like you all had a wonderful Easter

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

I love photo recaps! :) The family shot is adorable! We almost never get a family photo. Looks like a great weekend :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I like photo recaps too! :) Those boys are just too cute, and you look great in your Easter outfit!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics - all so adorable!

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

What great pictures!!
Love the family shot!!!

CM said...

Aw, what an adorable family shot! Love the last shot too. Shorts and sandals...I wish! We are still wearing sweatshirts around here!

Joanna said...

Love the family pic and the one of the boys! Great photos. Looks like a wonderful Easter.

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

They look so cute in their Easter outfits! Eli looks like he's a trip!

MommaD said...

Love these! And your family pic is fabulous! Happy Easter

Kmama said...

What a great family shot!

I made my own Easter baskets using your post from last year as a guide. I love them...and I love seeing your baskets again in pictures this year!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It looks like you had a nice Easter! I love the family picture and the outfits on the boys!

Angie said...

Your family picture is so good! Kelli, you are looking great!! It looks like you guys had a fun Easter...have a good week my friend!

Darcie said...

What a great family picture Kelli!!! That is your famous front doors in the back ground that sport all your creativity, right? Looks like you had a grand Easter, and your Angel Food in the post above... scrumptious!! Perfect dessert for Easter.

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Love the family pic! Cute, cute kiddos!

Dee said...

These are great! I'm SOOOO jealous that your kids SIT and LOOK at the camera!!

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