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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Birthday Wish List via Pinterest

So today is my birthday. For some reason birthdays just aren't a big deal for me, or at least my birthdays aren't! I love a good kids' party, but I'm pretty sure most people would think you were crazy if you had an all out birthday party bash for a 31 year old. So instead, I'll have a quiet day at home....and maybe even get to do a little crafting:) Jason is going to make dinner tonight and {even if I have to make it myself} we will have some kind of cake, mostly because I really like cake!

So in celebration of my birthday, I'm going to share some of my birthday wish list with you:) Most of these inspiration pictures are from Pinterest...if you are on Pinterest and you want to follow my boards click HERE!

I'm guessing it's not a surprise that I have a few DIY projects on my list:

 A few things for my craft room:

A new camera is on my "not this year, but a girl can still wish" list:)

Source: amazon.com via Jeff on Pinterest

How yummy {and cute} is this cake! Perfect for any birthday!

I hope you had fun checking out my birthday wish list. Head over to Pinterest and check out all awesome inspiration that everyone else has been pinning!
Have a happy Tuesday:)
Pin It!


Kelli said...

I see that I'm just going to have to check out that...I'm just hearing so much about it. Ooh, I hope you do get that camera one day.

Kmama said...

Happy birthday!!

We are making "under the stairs" shelves in our basement. It will be like the 9 square cubbie shelf sets you can buy, and we'll put the kids toys in it. On the other side of the stairs, we're building in a computer desk. I can't wait to get that basement finished!!

MommaD said...

Happy Birthday friend! Hope you have a fabulous day. Loving seeing your ideas on pinterest.

Anonymous said...

Happy 31st Birthday!

Darcie said...

HaPpY, hApPY Birhtday to one of my favorite bloggers! Love ya girl....enjoy your cake and eat it too. ;-)

CM said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Love the cake and I wish I could do the understairs cubbies, so cool!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Happy Birthday, Kelli!! That camera is awesome!!! Is that the one that will do video? I love my Nikon, but I do wish I could do some video on it....

Ashley said...

Happy Birthday! I found Pinterest not too long ago and am now completely addicted!!!!

Kristi said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is tomorrow. I will also be 31 and my hubby's name is also Jason. Heehee!!

Miller Racing Family said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a fabulous day enjoying life. I love the craft room organization ideas and that cake looks fabulous.
Have a wonderful day!

Carrie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love the pictures going up the staircase... I wonder if I could do that with our staircase ;-) and that cake looks DELICIOUS!!! Hope you have a great day...you deserve it!

Joanna said...

Been missing reading your blog. I have been SO busy. I have been following you on Pintrest {my newest addiction} since I started. Love all the things you have been pinning! Happy Happy Birthday! Mine is tomorrow. :)

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday Kelli! I thought of you this morning when I heard on the radio that today is the first day of summer. That's how I have always kept up with your bday. lol. I hope you are having a wonderful, relaxing day :)

Anonymous said...

HAPpY BIRTHDAY! Hope its an awesome day for you and your cake is good!

Foursons said...

Happiest of Birthday wishes to you! I love your list. The thing on the top of mine ALWAYS is a maid. That's all I really ever want.

Bridget said...

Happy Birthday Kelli!! :)

alienbody said...

I could totally get into that cake. Yes, yes indeedy-do. I'm just beginning to explore my camera's potential (the one that I've owned for about 5ish years) and using pictures on my own blog. So...not as easy as it looks...ugh. Thanks for sharing your B-day list..most excellent!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Happy Birthday!!!

I LOVE your wish list - especially all the fun crafty goodness!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Kelli! I hope you have a wonderful day. I like this post and wish I had stairs like the first photo, I love that.

Kate @ The Gaines Gang said...

HAppy Birthday! I think i too will make a cake in your honor today.On second thought make that whoopi pies {smile}!

Enjoy your day and thanks for the inspiration!

Emelie said...

Kelli, Happy Birthday!! I turned 31 last year and what I wanted most was a girls night!! I sent my husband and kids packing (literally) they went camping and I had about 15 fabulous fun friends come over and eat all my fav foods and we did glitter toes manicures and gabbed all night! It was the best birthday. My kids were bummed though they werent convinced that what I needed was for them to be gone for the night.

Anyhow I wanted to let you know that even though I'm new to your blog, I love it! and that I blogged about your fab watermelon waffles over on my blog athriftyfind.blogspot.com

come check it out!
Thanks! Em

Angie said...

That cake...oh my!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated!! I forget our bd's are so close :)
hope it was awesome!

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