1. 30....I know it is just a number, but it is a pretty big number. For some reason the jump from 29 to 30 seems like a big deal. Just in case this sounds kind of strange, my 30th birthday was yesterday and apparently it is still bothering me today:) Sort of....but not really.
2. My kids are still getting up way to early for it to be summertime! HELP! I would really like to sleep until 7 just once this summer.
3. We had VBS at church last week. I was SUPER busy and SUPER tired all week. VBS was worth all the hard work when 8 kiddos got saved though:)
4. I really missed blogging last week. I hate when I don't have time to respond to emails and comments, and I hate even more that I had no time to visit all of my bloggy friends! I am going to try and catch up this week:)
5. I did some figurative housecleaning in my life over the last few weeks, and it feels nice to get rid of some of the clutter!
6. Now I just need to do some actual housecleaning so my house isn't such a huge disaster area.
7. I am almost finished with my entertainment center to bench makeover. It has taken forever, but I am so glad that it no longer looks like this:

8. Hopefully I can share the finished project by Thursday after I spend tomorrow doing some sewing!
9. I also have to do some sewing for my sister. She has a piece of material that she wants to turn into a shower curtain...pretty easy, except that I hate, hate, hate doing button holes!
10. My living room is still not finished either. I think I have decorator block, because I still can't decided what I want to put on the big empty wall behind my couch.
11. I got a new camera accessory for my birthday yesterday...a white balance filter. Now I just have to figure out how to use it.
12. Speaking of my camera...I only picked it up once last week and I only snapped 3 {really} sad pictures. Maybe I can get back in my picture taking groove this week with my new filter.
13. I at least need to take a picture to post tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday:)
14. Jason and I started watching The Big Bang Theory on Netflix this week. It is pretty funny....plus it fills all the empty tv time that comes with summer.
15. Have I mentioned how much I love Netflix before? I do! Especially tv shows on Netflix...no 3 month wait to find out what happened after the cliffhanger season finale!
16. I'm only halfway to 3o and it seems like I have been typing forever! I told you 30 was a big number!
17. Jason has a business trip to Atlanta coming up and the boys and I are going to tag along. SUPER nice swimming pool, free breakfast, and new places sounds like a pretty fun mini-vacation to me.
18. I am looking for some fun {and cheap} stuff to do in Atlanta, so if you have any suggestions let me know. This isn't technically our vacation, so I don't want to spend very much money....though we are going to take the boys to see the Braves play one night while we are there.
19. I have been eating a lot of cereal and Special K bars lately. They are both really great for helping me lose weight....now if I can stay away from the ice cream I will be doing good.
20. I'm trying to lose weight {thought aren't we all always trying to lose weight} because I am in a friend's wedding in September. I really don't want to be the fat bridesmaid....I would settle for the slightly chubby bridesmaid though:)
21. I can do another 20 pounds between now and September, right?!? That is my goal anyway....but I really need to get the ice cream out of my freezer!
22. Henry and Grant at going to VBS at my mom's church this week. That means it will just be me and Eli for the most part this week. It is already really quiet this morning.
23. I'm hoping that since the boys are going to be gone most of the week, that I can get a few crafty projects done. I need to make new summery wreaths for the front door, hang some vinyl in the hallway, and finish makings some decorative balls that I started but then quit after 5 minutes.
24. My hot glue gun doesn't always like the projects that I work on. I quit working on those decorative balls because I burned my finger at least 5 times in less than 5 minutes. I wonder if they make gloves to wear while you are using your hot glue gun?!?
25. We planted some watermelon seedlings in our yard one day last week. They were dead by the next afternoon. Apparently upper 90's is a little to much for seedlings to take when they came from inside the house:)
26. I was really hoping that my hubby was going to call Merry Maids for me for my birthday....no such luck! I guess that means I will be spending ALL of today cleaning.
27. But, I can't get started cleaning until I get home from getting the oil changed in my car...which means the house probably won't get cleaned today:)
28. We have been on a pineapple kick lately. I think we have gone through 3 fresh pineapples in the last 4 weeks...and I think I may buy another one today. Fruit is good for you right...even the stuff that tastes really good!
29. It has been raining every afternoon and some nights, which makes playing outside and going to the walking track kind of hard...but I'm so glad that it rains to cool down the temps some. We are just now technically in summer and it is SUPER hot here!
30. See, I told you 30 was a big number!