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Friday, January 7, 2011

See-Through Valentines

I love the idea of homemade Valentines! They just seem like so much more fun than the store bought kind...though I will admit to using store bought Valentines a ton of times more than once in my life:) For the most part, I have managed to make homemade Valentines with the boys for their school parties though.
When I saw these SUPER cute See-Through Valentines on Martha Stewart.com, I knew I had to give them a try...even if they aren't what I end up sending to school with the boys on Valentine's Day!
I had a ton of M&M's left over from THIS Christmas craft...perfect for filling my See-Through Valentines! I just sorted out the red M&M's from the green ones:)
 I used my Cricut to cut two hearts {make sure they are the same size} out of wax paper. You could easily do this by hand if you don't have a Cricut, I just knew I couldn't cut out a perfectly shaped heart by hand:)
*can you see where some little mischievous hands got Sharpie on my Cricut mat*
 I used my sewing machine to sew the two hearts together. Again, this could totally be done by hand if you have the patience to hand sew things!
Make sure to leave about a two inch space open so that you can fill your Valentine with candy. I used my leftover M&M's but redhots or conversation hearts would also be really cute in these! Fill the hearts with candy and the sew up the opening with your sewing machine.
Trim off any excess threads and you have a really cute homemade See-Through Valentine that anyone would love to recieve! You could also attach a small gift tag to them or write a special message on the wax paper with a permanent marker.
To enjoy the yummy candy inside the See-Through Valentine, simply tear the wax paper!
I have another idea in mind for Valentines for the boys' to hand out at school, so I think I may make a batch of these See-Through Valentines for my Sunday School class! Kindergarteners would love these:)

linked up at:
Jen's Weekend Wrap Up Party:)
Pin It!


staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

I love this idea. I think I already have the 2 supplies - haha!
I can't sew (but it makes it look really cute)...hmmm. I may have to come up with something:)
Great tutorial too :)

Amanda@runninghood said...

Great idea. I love how they rip open so easily when they are ready to eat. I wish I was better at things like this! I love Valentine's Day! Such a fun day to celebrate LOVE. And so many great things to do with kids.

Jess said...

So creative and cute!!!!!

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

So cute! What a perfect thing for little hands!

craftykat said...

great idea- I wish I had a sewing machine!

Pedey @ Do You Smell That!!? said...

I had no idea you could sew wax paper!! Nicely done!

Erin said...

These are so cute! What fun and easy to make. I just might have to break out the sewing machine =o)

Stephanie said...

Love this!!! I want a sewing machine so badly!!!!!!

Joanna said...

So cute! I wished I had a sewing machine to make them.

Foursons said...

You are so much more ambitious than I am. Seriously.

Leslie said...

Oh, you will DEFINITELY see these being made for daycare teachers come Valentine's on MY blog. Adorable!!! Thanks for the great idea!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

WOW!!!! Such a cool idea, Kelli. Very neat. :) I love some M&Ms...maybe I'll make them for myself. ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Kelli- these are so darling, love this idea! Jen

Unknown said...

Such an original and cute idea!

More Than Words said...

I love how you always try new things. And they are always so affordable!

Stacy Risenmay said...

I would totally do this if me and my machine were on speaking terms! It is still mad at me from the last sewing adventure :)

very merry vintage style said...

These are really cute. I think I'll send them to my girls at college... one filled with candy, another with money!

SkinnyMeg said...

Wow, what a great and easy idea!!!

Red Couch Recipes said...

That is a super cute idea! Joni

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Those are so cute! I meant to buy wax paper today, and totally forgot :( I'll add it to my list for next week!

Mommy on the go! said...

I freakin' LOVE this!!! Posting a link on my blog


Kelli said...

Adorable. Valentine's Day is my favorite and I would love to sew a few pillows...I have to get the sewing machine out...have to!!!

Mariel@ www.sexymodeststyle.com said...

These are adorable! now i want some candy! haha!

starting every monday over at www.tootsiewootsieboutique.blogspot.com there will be giveaways and linky parties! so come and join in for some fun and inspiration!

-The tootsie wootsie

Carrie said...

Those are a cute idea! love that! I don't have a sewing machine, so I probably wouldn't have the patience to make a lot...but really fun for a few close friends and family! Too cute!

Liz said...

I'll definitely be doing this for my son's class! Thank you! I'd love for you to come link this up next Friday at my party: www.fastdaze.blogspot.com.

Unknown said...

This is too cute! You did a fabulous job! I'd love for you to come link it up to my Love Link Party. It would be a fantastic addition.


Decor To Adore said...

What a cute project! Thanks for sharing.

Happy day~happy year!

Summer said...

What a great idea! I love these! I better get started on them for my boys classes:)

Jana said...

Cute, clever idea! :)

Chelle & My boys said...

so cute, love the idea!!

Darcey said...

I really like this idea! I think it's better than the little storebought cards because those usually just get thrown away, but at least the kids can have candy with these. They're cute as well and make a nice little gift. I've included this post on my weekly favorites here: http://play2grow.blogspot.com/2011/01/weekly-favorites-for-january-9-2011.html

Mommah Love said...

this is just adorable. love it sister!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Kelli - these are fantastic! What a super cute idea. Thanks for linking to the Sunday Showcase - I'll be featuring this today. Hope you have a fabulous week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Anonymous said...

what a cute idea! my son is sitting here with me and just said "I want those"...guess I better get busy!

Val said...

What a truly brilliant idea. Love your blog. New follower. = )

Cheryl said...

I think it would be even cuter to use red or pink thread!! You could trim the edges of the paper with a decorative scissors or a pinking shears & add a bow (yarn/ribbon).

Elizabeth said...

What a fun idea! I think I'll do this for my son's class! Would love for you to come visit me at Sew Chatty and link up to Made With Love Monday! The party will be open all week if you'd like to link up multiple projects. Have a great day! http://sewchatty.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

These are awesome! I will be featuring this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com tonight. I am going to make these for my kids' friends! Thanks!

Nina @ Momma Go Round said...

These are beyond cute! I'm with ya, I might make these for my Primary kids. Thanks for sharing!

Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said...

DO you think it would work using tape around the edges? I have a machine, but have no idea how to use it.

The Crafty Side Of Life said...

Love the idea!!!!! So cute!

Veronica said...

These are awesome!!! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm definitely going to make some!
I love your blog! I just discovered it and am asolutely addicted-you are so talented!

KTbee said...

omg so cute! kids will love these. thanks for sharing!

Lisa {grey luster girl} said...

Very unique idea!

Holle said...

SWEET! It might be cool to print out the name of your valentine and slip it inside so you can see it. Maybe red or black on white paper or experiment with other combos.
Thanks so much, my ten year old daughter and I are ON IT!
Here we go...

Anonymous said...

These are adorable! I'm featuring them in my Friday Favorites tomorrow!

Unknown said...

what a great crafter you are, love the ideas!

Jean said...

These are so great. I am going to feature them for the Thursday Tutorials at Fantabulous Cricut tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

hand stitch them with yarn

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