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Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Best Lemonade Ever!

**Eli decided to share his germs from last week with me, so I am feeling a little nauseous and vomity under the weather. That means y'all are getting a repost from last summer:) Enjoy!**
When life gives you lemons....
...or when you buy a bag of lemons at the produce stand...
Make Lemonade
We made The Best Lemonade Ever!
Really, that is what the recipe is called, and it was SUPER good!
1 3/4 cups white sugar
8 cups water
1 1/2 cups lemon juice
1.In a small saucepan, combine sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to boil and stir to dissolve sugar. Allow to cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate until chilled.
2.Remove seeds from lemon juice, but leave pulp. In pitcher, stir together chilled syrup, lemon juice and remaining 7 cups water.
I made the water/sugar mixture and chilled it in the fridge.
Then the boys helped me squeeze the lemons. We used a collander over a bowl to catch all the seeds and pulp.
We added our fresh squeezed lemon juice to the water/sugar mixure and then everyone got a turn to stir the lemonade....
...even Eli!
Pour your yummy lemonade over ice and enjoy!
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Door Decor

After taking down my Easter decorations, my front doors were screaming for a fun summer makeover. It took me more than a month to decide what I wanted to do, but when I found some really fun yellow and white chevron fabric on sale a few weeks ago, I knew it was perfect for some sort of summer door decor. I paired the yellow chevron fabric with some fun red and white polka dot ribbon and some turquoise lettering and ended up with two bright and summery front door canvases.

I bought two canvases at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago....they were $5.99 for 2 and then 40% off.
I started by wrapping the canvases with the chevron fabric and attaching the fabric to the back of the canvases with my staple gun. Then I added the polka dot ribbon with a little hot glue. The last step was to add a great summer quote to the front of the canvas...and that is where my new Silhouette comes in:)
This was my very first project using my Silhouette, and I have to say it is SO much better than my Cricut. Seriously check out that cute font that I used for the quote!
I already had some turquoise on my front porch in the form of my placemat pillows, so I decided to add in a little bit of red and yellow to make everything match:) I'm loving all the fun bright summer colors and they are even taking over my back patio too...but that is a post for another day!
What kind of fun summer things are you decorating with this year?
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Friday, June 3, 2011

Homemade Donuts

Did you know that today is National Donut Day? Really, it's a holiday...even the big chain donut stores {Krispy Kreme & Dunkin' Donuts} celebrate by giving away free donuts:) But instead of loading up the kiddos bright and early this morning for a free donut breakfast,  we made our own homemade donuts to celebrate!
 All you need to make your own homemade donuts is canned refrigerated biscuits, a rolling pin and a small circle cookie cutter....plus oil to fry your donuts and whatever glaze or toppings you want.
 I mixed up a traditional glaze with powdered sugar and water. It is also helpful to have a cooling rack on top of a cookie sheet to catch all the gooey drips of glaze while your donut is cooling.
 Use your rolling pin and roll out the biscuit dough trying to keep it in as round as possible. Then use the small circle cookie cutter to cut out the middle of the donut. Save the centers and you can make your own donut holes too:)
 The next step is to fry the donuts. This literally only takes a few seconds on each side. Watch carefully and when you see the bottom half of the donut start to brown, flip them over to brown the other side. Take them out of the oil and drain on a paper towel for a few seconds.
 Now it's time to glaze. Simply toss the warm donut into your glaze and give it a few flips to make sure the whole thing is coated.
 Place the glazed donuts on your cooling rack to let them dry.
 Add sprinkles before the glaze sets. You can also leave them plain or add any other kind of topping you would like.....mini chocolate chips or crumbled cookies would be really yummy!
Since I have a house full of sprinkle-loving boys, we topped all of our donuts with sprinkles, then we had a yummy time celebrating:)
Happy National Donut Day!
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