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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pork and Beans

Well, really stuffed pig and lentils....but that is not quite as catchy as Pork and Beans!

Our house has been full of 'whoops' and 'uh-oh's' lately.

Last week, Eli spilled {prune} juice all over his most favorite Christmas present...his piggy! Apparently, prune juice stains a lot more than regular juice, because his piggy looked like he had been rolling around in a real pig pen! Needless to say, he took a ride in the washing machine with some of Eli's dirty clothes. He came out surprisingly clean and has been under Eli's arm since he came out of the dryer!

Later in the week, Eli decided that a bag of lentils from the cabinet looked like they would be fun to play with. He had a grand time running around with the bag, and I didn't think anything about it....until he started throwing them like a ball! He got one good throw in, and the bag busted sending lentils flying across the room! I got the vacuum out and cleanup as much as I could, but I still had lentils stuck to my foot for at least three days after that!

I am hoping to avoid any messes pig or lentil related this week:)

What kind of fun messes do your kiddos make for you to clean up?

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Walking and Winning

This: is what I have been seeing a lot of lately.

I started this year with more focus than ever to get healthy and lose some weight. So, the boys and I have been heading to the park at least twice a week. I can get a little exercise and they can play and get some of their wild and craziness energy out. It has been cold here, but not too terrible in the afternoons. Plus the cold just encourages me to talk a little faster! So far my diet and exercise plans are paying off...I have already lost 8 pounds! YAY! I just might make my goal before my dreaded 30th birthday in June!

Now for a winner!

Congrats to Leslie!

I used random.org to pick a commenter from my Wordless Wednesday post! I guess it was easy for everyone to tell that the boys were having a blast playing with some packing peanuts! Leslie send me an email with your address so I can get a fun happy to you in the mail:)

P.S. Check out Mimi's blog for a new FREE 4 All Fridays that she is hosting!

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time to Explor(eum)

This past Saturday, it was just too cold to do anything outside. So Jason and I decided to load up the boys and take a trip to a local children's museum/science center.

We met my mom and sister for lunch, and then we all headed to the Exploreum. The boys had a great time checking out all the exhibits, playing in the ball pit area, and watching an IMAX movie about dinosaurs.

Henry and Grant even played a game of Tug of War with Jason and Eli. Can you guess who won?!? You might be surprised!

After a day of fun at the Exploreum, we headed down the beautiful streets of downtown Mobile... ...back to our car...
....and then home to a big bowl of veggie soup for dinner!

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It has NOT been freezing in South Mississippi this week! We have NOT been snuggled under blankets and drinking hot chocolate* to keep warm.

Despite the freezing temperatures we have been having, I did NOT wear flip flops one day this week. I did NOT drop Henry off at school and then walk Grant into preschool with my flip flops on....even though it was freezing outside. I would NEVER wear flip flops in 20 degree weather just because I was too lazy to go back to my closet and find socks.

I also did NOT make my kiddos wear a pair of pj's under their clothes on Saturday so that they would stay extra warm. Pj's do NOT make pretty good long johns for kiddos.

*Speaking of hot chocolate....I used random.org to pick a winner from my giveway on Friday. Congrats to Kelli from Outside My Kitchen Window! I will be sending you a SUPER cute hot chocolate themed prize. I am planning a few more giveaways this week...so stay tuned for your chance to win something!

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

This Makes Me Feel Better!

Who knew that store brand infant formulas were just as good as the name brand stuff like Enfamil? Well, it seems like the people who make the store brand stuff, PMB Products, knew. They just won a HUGE lawsuit against the makers of Enfamil, based on a claim of false advertising!

I have to admit,those baby product commercials always made me feel bad if I didn't buy the very best for my child....like somehow I loved my kid less if I bought the cheaper stuff! It's no wonder I felt that way.

{Mead is now banned from saying things such as “It may be tempting to try a less expensive store brand, but only Enfamil LIPIL is clinically proven to improve brain and eye development,” or “There are plenty of other ways to save on baby expenses without cutting back on nutrition.”}

But I did buy the store brand formula when Grant was a baby.

{And I saved some of the cans for future craft projects}

I had two kids 17 months apart, which meant two in diapers. Plus Henry had a milk allergy so we were buying formula for Grant and more expensive soy milk for Henry! That got to be expensive FAST! I asked my pediatrician if the store brand was okay to buy, and she said it was just as good. I obviously believed her {at least a little bit} because I bought the store brand the whole time Grant was on formula. But I think in the back of my mind, I wonder if he really was getting all the nutrients he needed!

Turns out I worried for no reason! The store brand formulas IS just as good as the more expensive name brand formulas! So don't feel bad if you want to save a little money by purchasing the Walmart of Target brand formula. It is just as good for you kiddo as it is for you wallet!

To read even more about this click here or here!

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy...

Hot chocolate
How I Met Your Mother

Heated Seats {in my Honda Pilot}

What H things make you happy?
**I may be giving away something that starts with an H today:)**

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Who Wants a Snack?

Just a little note:
Yesterday's post was a secret giveaway...
and Tina was the winner.
She was the first one to guess that the thing Grant was dusting with was a BBQ mop for the grill. I will be sending Tina a fun happy in the mail soon.
This is just my way of thanking my regular readers and commenters! I am going to throw in a few giveaways over the next few weeks...but next time I will at least give you a hint that their is a prize up for grabs:)
Now, who wants a snack?!?
Henry {at 15 months} eating a banana.
Grant {at 15 months} eating a tortilla with refried beans.
Eli {at 15 months} eating a piece of cheese.
What are some of your kiddos favorite things to eat?

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

30 Minutes in the Day of a Stay at Home Mom

Go to the closet with a few shirts and Jason's dress pants.

Drop pants on the floor so that you can hang up the shirts.

Dig around for a few empty hangers.

Hang up shirts, then remember you really should get something started for dinner.

Go to the kitchen, open the cabinet and decide to make chili for dinner.

Head to the can opener and open a ton of cans and dump them in a pot.

Put the pot on the stove, then remember that Henry's lunch for tomorrow hasn't been made yet.

Get out all the lunch making supplies {bread, peanut butter, chips, carrots, pudding, and a capri sun}.

Ask your oh so well behaved children to please stop being so annoying....or least be a little more quiet while they are being annoying!

Finish making Henry's lunch and stick it back in the fridge.

Check your email, then remember that there is another load of laundry in the dryer.

Grab the laundry basket and head to your room to fold some clothes.

Come back to the kitchen to stir the chili and notice the pile of dirty dishes that need to be loaded into the dishwasher.

Load dishes, then remember that you didn't finish folding that last load of laundry.

Stick your head in the living room to make sure that Eli is holding his own against his big brothers.

Again, ask beg your children to stop being so LOUD and annoying...briefly consider that a small strip of tape would quiet them down a little...then reconsider, because you could get in big trouble for that that is something you would never really do!

Go back to finish folding the laundry and then put the clothes away in the closet.

Look down and realize that you left Jason's dress pants on the floor more than 30 minutes ago!

Sometimes I feel like I am just running in circles and getting very little done! Please tell me I'm not the only one who has days like that?!?
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


Jason and I did NOT have a junk food free-for-all last week in an attempt to get all the junk food out of the house! We are NOT starting a diet/exercise plan today with the hopes of getting in better shape and losing some weight! I did NOT get on the scale this morning to record my start weight with the plan to lose a TON few pounds before my 30th birthday in June!

There is NOT still a {HUGE} bag of M&M's in the cabinet that is seriously going to test my will power for the next few weeks! I am NOT considering calculating how many Weight Watcher points are in a handful of M&M's just in case my will power loses!

I am NOT just a little excited that Christmas break is over and we are getting back into a normal schedule today. I did NOT enjoy sleeping late and being lazy for the last two weeks....but I also did NOT miss my normal routine:) I am NOT hoping that getting up early gets easier as the week goes by!

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Playing With Fire(works)!

We had a blast celebrating the New Year!
Jason built a bonfire.
The boys did fireworks {mostly sparklers}.
We had a yummy junk food dinner of Pizza Rolls, homemade potato skins, and green beans:)
Then we made and ate M&M cookies for dessert!
*************************** Henry finally realized that fireworks {especially sparklers} can be fun instead of scary!
Grant wouldn't be still long enough for me to get a good shot!
Eli wanted to join in on the fun too!
{We were safe while we were playing with fire(works)...Jason is holding Eli, and his hand is right below Eli's...I just cropped it out of the picture.}

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

A New Me...

Do you ever wish that you were someone different?
Do you ever find yourself daydreaming about:
a different life
with a different body
in a different place
with different friends
I don't do it very often, but sometimes I find myself wishing that my life was somehow different. Not that I'm unhappy with how my life is now....but sometimes it just seems like different would be good! And maybe it's not really that I want all those things to be different....maybe it's that I want them to be better.
a better life
with a better body
in a better place
with better friends
I don't really make New Year's Resolutions {other than to lose weight...which has been on my list for as long as I can remember}, but I think this year I am going to strive to be BETTER!
I want to be better at everything I do!
Not better than any other person...just better than the person that I am right now!
To live my life better
To get in better shape {& lose weight}
To make my surroundings better
And simply to be a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend.
I think in the end if I make all those things BETTER, I really will be DIFFERENT. Still me, just a different, better me!
I hope you all have a great New Year's Eve!
See you in 2010!

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