For the past three days I feel like all I have done is monogram stuff and feed my hunk of a chunk baby! Oh, and a little laundry thrown in there too...because what mom doesn't constantly feel like she is doing massive piles of laundry! Anyway, I agreed to monogram some ribbons for a friend of mine who makes cute ribbon keychains and little girls hairbows. I thought it would just be few, because she was actually making the keychains for a mutual friend of ours to give as Christmas gifts at work. It ended up being twenty ribbons in all. It seemed like a ton of ribbon to monogram, but it went surprisingly fast. I even had time to do a few of my own Christmas presents and get started on monogramming the boys' Christmas pajamas! I still have stack of stuff that needs to be finished by next week, but it was nice to finish that big order of ribbon. I meant to take a picture of the ribbons, but I was so excited about finishing that I sent them over to my friend without thinking about it.....Sorry, I know pictures make a boring post like this a little more interesting!
Now....on to the snow part of the title{which I also don't have pictures of}. I have read a few blogs by people who live where it snows all the time and they HATE it. Well, when you live in the south and it NEVER snows you really LOVE when it does snow {every ten years or so}! The last time I remember snow that actually stuck to the ground here was in 1997! I think we had a few flurries here a few years ago, but nothing you could build a snowman out of. So, it snowed about an hour north of us yesterday. My mom called and said, "We should drive up there and let the babies play in the snow!" My first thought was that it would be really fun, but then I thought about the fact that we would be in the car for close to three hours for probably twenty minutes {at the most} of fun snow play time! And we are already had plans to drive up there today for my sisters' college graduation. That would be an awful lot of time in the car with three kids over a three day we stayed home and missed all the snow. I am hoping there is a little snow left on the ground when we get, but that is probably not likely. Oh well, maybe one day we will take a vacation up north and see REAL snow, not just an inch of it on the ground!
One more thing.....After the graduation ceremony, we are going to eat dinner and we are supposed to be getting a cake for the celebration. I have to confess that I am secretly hoping that the cake is a cakewreck!!! Is that terrible? My mom is suppose to stop and pick up a cake at Walmart so there is probably a good chance we may have a wreck on our hands!
17 St. Patrick’s Day Dessert Recipes!
6 days ago
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