I can't believe I am already at 100 posts! It seems like I have only been blabbing on this blog for a SUPER short time! About two months ago {before my sickness induced break from blogging}, I remember looking at 89 posts thinking "WOW, that happened fast!" Anyway, I am so glad I started this blogging thing! I have met some SUPER cool people, and I've even gotten a few of my "In Real Life" friends into blogging too! Thanks for being such great bloggy friends and followers!
And now....On to the GIVEAWAY!!
SUMMER is almost here, and I can't wait! Even though I haven't been feeling the best the past few weeks, all I can think about is SUMMER!
Going to the beach
Swimming in the pool
Taking the boys to the new splash pad at the park
And just hanging out in the yard
As you can tell, I can't wait for summer to get here!
So my 100th Post Giveaway is for a SUPER cute little kit to help get YOU ready for summer!
A SUPER cute tote bag filled with some SUPER summer stuff!
a personalized beach towel
flip flops
some fun summer snacks
and even more!
Here is how to enter my 100th Post Giveaway:
For your first entry leave a comment telling me what you are looking forward to doing this summer!
For one extra entry, follow me and leave a comment telling me that you do.
For another entry, put my button on your blog and leave a comment telling me you did.
For another entry, blog about my giveaway linking back to this post, then leave a comment telling me you blogged.
The giveaway will end Monday, May 18th at Midnight Central Time and I will post the winner on Tuesday, May 19. Make sure your email is visible so I can let you know if you are the winner!
Good Luck! I can't wait to see what everyone is planning on doing this summer! And THANKS for helping me celebrate #100!
Good Luck! I can't wait to see what everyone is planning on doing this summer! And THANKS for helping me celebrate #100!
I can't wait for summer, too. :)
Congratulations on your 100th post, Kelli! I would love to enter your giveaway. We are actually taking the girls to the beach this summer. That is what I am most looking forward to. :)
I am a follower. :)
Your button is on my blog. :)
Have fun with your giveaway!
I am looking forward to no school and sleeping in (at least a little.) I am looking forward to vacation and (hopefully) belly dance classes again!! YAY!! Bring on the summer!
I've been a follower for a while!!
Your button os on my blog! What a great giveaway!
Congrats on your 100th post!
I'm so excited to start camping again this summer. Once school is out, it will be long weekends at the lake, fishing and relaxing by the fire.
I'm a follower!
And your button is on my links page
I am looking forward to the pool. I've been counting down the days till I am able to pick up my pass. I can't wait to pack picnics and relax and play with the kiddies.
I grabbed your button.
I posted about your giveaway. What a fun one because I love summer and can't wait for it to get here. I need to pull out my pool stuff and wash them and get the bags and snacks ready. You've inspired me whether I win or not!
Alright...awesome giveaway, Kelli!!!
What am I look forward to this summer? I am looking forward to no school!
You know I follow ya!
I've got your button too! :)
What a fun giveaway! Congrats on post 100. I am so excited summer is finally on its way...we are kicking off summer with a trip to the beach (my first one in over two years!) Memorial Weekend.
And your button is already on my blog!
Congrats! on your 100th post!!!
What I am looking forward to this summer is, My Mom being over her Bone Marrow/ Stem Cell Trans plant so we will be able to do some things as a family again. we are hoping to get a weekend trip by the end of the summer to the beach and to New Orleans.
Girl, you know I am a follower!LOL!
I have your button posted on my blog.
I posted about your 100th post on my blog. (Sorry it turned out to be a long post.)
I am Really! glad that you are feeling better and praying that these good days continue.
I am already a follower.
I already have your button.
Delk just started a new job so we have no vacations planned. Delk's mom is keeping Carter this summer so that means I don't have to pay for daycare for him. That is what I am looking forward to most. Unfortunately, Clayton still has to go or I would lose his spot. But, hey, that is better than paying for both of them all summer. I am trying to figure out how to link back to your blog so when I do I'll let ya know.
I am new to your site! I will be going to the beach with my daughter, her husband and 4 grandchildren. Enjoyed your blog! Thanks for the entry!
I became a follower:)
I posted your button:) on my blog!
I finally figured out how to link back to your blog so I have posted about your 100th post. Sad to say I almost had to call you but I used Sneaky Momma's tutorial instead. Aren't you so proud of me?
I will be spending most of the summer in my garden. I am hoping to get a vacation to the mountains squeezed in somehow.
Big Congrats on your 100th post Kelli!!
This summer..I'm looking forward to take as many small trips as possible and hopefully making it to the beach. Sleeping in!! Playing outside as often as possible with the boys! Swimming! Oh, there is so much, I love summer!
I'm a happy follower!!
Of course I have your button on my blog! =)
Hey Kelli! Congrats on your 100th post. How cool! We cannot wait to visit with out of town guests. We have three sets coming in to stay with us this summer. Big fun! Of course just being outside too!
I follow along!
Congratulations on 100 posts! My daughter is taking swimming lessons and we have a trip to Lake Tahoe planned so I'm most excited to see her swimming like a fish... or mermaid as she prefers ;)
Thanks for the entry
tonyamcrain [at] aol.com
I'm a new follower
Blogged with a link back to yours! Thanks for the entries, hope I win!!!! Have a blessed day!
I am new to your blog! My family along with another family are leaving in June to go to the beach and spend a week of sun, sand and sodas!!!
The kids can't wait! The only thing is that my son that in the USMC cannot join us this year!!! Our first vaction without him!! Enjoyed your blog!
I am a follower!!!
I am adding you button to my blog!
Hi Kelli...was stopping by from Kelli {Outside my Kitchen Window} and so glad I did :) Very cute blog! Congratulations on #100!
I can't wait for summer and swimming in the pool and helping my chalk-white skin get a little tan..hee hee!
I would love to follow you! Yay!
..And I've grabbed your button for my blog! So cute!
I am looking forward to a great summer with my school kids and new baby!!
Thanks for the fun give-a-way!! Congrats on 100 posts!
I just became a follower too!
I'm looking forward to floating in the pool!
Congrats on your 100th post!
I'm a follower!
Yah! I am also so excited for summer. We already have some camping lined up and we have out yearly trips to Junior Bible Camp and Family Camp in Wisconsin. I also plan to expand my garden this year. =)
I'm a follower. Is that a good thing? Well, in this case anyway! =)
I posted about your giveaway here:
Happy 100th post!
ahhh summer. i cannot wait for it to fully arrive in wisconsin. i'm looking forward to camping trips, and beach trips. and being able to play outside all day long!!
i'm a follower/stalker/whateverer. :0)
Im a follower!! I want a big M on the towel!!!
I just wanted to say congrats on 100 posts!!!!
PS-and I'm most excited about this baby coming this summer! :)
Ok since Im not doing this right!! Im going to work this summer, go to six flags with Noah, take the boys to Virginia to see there daddy and go to the beach and your moms pool with you!!!
I have your button on my blog and I need you to help me get one and help me make my blog look better!
I just joined your blog
I am 59 and single and work a full time job-soon to be 30 years! Man would I love to retire before I retire to the nursing home. I intend to spend almost every other weekend at the beach- not but about 250 miles. If I have to go alone so be it. I have done it before. Just to lay in the sun and come home the same night. (CHEEP) I have left a blog about the giveaway, maybe good luck will fall my wway!!!!
I am looking forward to having the kids home and going out and doing things. I keep telling my kids we don't need much money to do things and now I plan on showing them. We live around caves and beaches and woods. We'll find lots to do.
following your blog.
Thanks for the chances.
Congrats on 100!!! I am fast approaching! Who knew I/we had so much to say!?!?
I'm flying home to Ohio to surprise my sister and my dad for her baby shower and Father's Day...they have no idea and I'm so excited! I'm also looking forward to running my first half marathon. So fun to find your blog! Congrats on your 100th post!
What a great giveaway! I love summer, so to narrow it down to one is hard. But I think what I like the most is that summer means a lazy schedule.
Hi there!! I can not wait to spend every day in the pool this summer. I also am a follower of you!! : ) Yeah, and I might be able to put your button up if a good sister would help!?!
Oh Yeah! I just wrote a blog linking everyone up to your blog : ) Keke sure would look great on a beach towel! Love ya
OH cool giveaway! So creative!
This summer we plan on taking many trips to the beach and camping....(including Soulfest! www.thesoulfest.com)
I plan this Summer to tak my kids swimming as much as I can and spend tons of time with them, I just recently left my job and am so excited to spend everyday of the Summer with them.
I am now a follow your blog yipee!
Yay have your button on my blog!
Posted about your giveaway and posted a link!
I love Summer. I'm mostly looking forward to our vacation in Maine at the end of June. Also bringing my daughter to the beach & her playing in her pool. dramaqueensmum@gmail.com
Congrats on your 100th post. I'm looking forward to the time off to spend with my kiddos.
I'm looking forward to doing some camping. We love to camp in the Summer.
I am looking forward to our family taking a trip from Iowa to the coast of N.Carolina to spend time with my Mom and Dad.
I follow
I have your button
I'm looking forward to a well needed vacation as a family to the Beach! My kids are so looking forward to Vacation Bible School!
Thanks and have a lovely evening!
I follow you!
I'm taking your cute new button!
;-) Thanks!
I put your button on my blog. Yeah!
I am looking forward to being off work for the summer and having lots of fun with my little man. We are going to go to the park and the pool and do so many other fun things this summer! I am counting the days until I am done with work for the year!
abbyandygaige (at) gmail (dot) com
I am lookinf forward to fishing on our lake
Happy 100th! Congrats on all the work that's gone into your posts.
I'm new to your blog, but I really like what I see.
This summer I'm planning on hanging out at the pool, which will be my first time there as a mom. I also want to work in my garden and take a few short trips to the beach. And dye some silk scarves to use as playsilk. I could go on and on but don't want to bore you! Thanks for sharing!
I just added your button to my blog
I am looking forward to getting a tan!!! I need one
I'm looking forward to barbecues and the beach!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
I am a teacher so I am mostly looking forward to being a stay at home mom with the perks of a paycheck!
hiya! Ok, so you probably already know my summer vacation plans, but anyway...first is VBS at church, then summer dance camp for Alyssa, then my ultrasound and cerclage(all this within the first two weeks of summer). Then hopefully to just sit back and enjoy the HOT summer!
obviously I follow you!!:)
I have your cute little button!!! lol
I'm looking to travelling and relaxing.
I follow
#1- I can't wait to spend the summer at the pool with my kids. I love swimming with them. When the temps reach 100+ degrees around here there is no better place to be!
#2- I am totally following you now!
#3- Your button is totally on my blog now! I'm not advertising on my blog for your contest because 1- It's over in 4 hours and I've already posted 2 posts today. And 2- I don't want more competition! Pick me, pick me, pick me!
Congrats on 100 posts. I am sooo looking forward to our Disney vacation this summer. 20 days to go...and couting. Pick me...pick me! LOL
Oh, and I am following you now too. Your kids are just precious.
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