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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Eleven Days

According to Eli, in eleven days we will be on our way to Mickey Mouse's house. We are all excited for a fun vacation, and the boys are even more excited that we will be celebrating a birthday or two while we are there. I think counting down to anything makes it seem more fun and it keeps the "how many days until..." questions to a minimum.
{check out some of my other countdowns here, here, and here}
So here is this year's Countdown to Disney!
After almost two months with no birthdays, I am finally changing out our happy birthday sign and putting a little Disney in it's place:) Here are the supplies I used for our Countdown to Disney:
I started by adding squares of scrapbook paper inside of three small frames.
Then I used my Silhouette software to type up the numbers 1 through 11 and the words "days until Disney". I used a couple different fonts just to keep it fun:)
I used my Silhouette to cut the numbers and words out on black vinyl.
The words were added to the glass part of two of the frames using transfer paper.
{BTW, I am having issues with the Silhouette transfer paper not being sticky enough...anybody else have the same problem, or know of something better to use instead?}
The numbers were added to the Disney paint chips that I picked up at Home Depot. I knew these would be great for a Disney themed craft the second I saw them:) I grabbed a few colors just to make it more fun, but you could always do them all the same color too...maybe red!
I used some double stick tape to attach the paint sample to the glass of the last frame, and then hung them back on the board. To change out the days, we simply have to pull off the paint chip and attach the next numbered paint chip with double stick tape.
While I'm planning and packing for Disney, the boys will be counting down the days until we are at Mickey Mouse's house!
Join  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Eli's Art Class

Henry and Grant have only been in school for two days, but I can already tell that Eli is missing them and getting bored quickly. That means I'm going to have to break the arts and crafts supplies and start working on some fun stuff to keep him busy!
Yesterday we used big paper and crayons to make an Eli.
I love how he was concentrating so hard just to make some circles and scribbles!
Looks just like him, doesn't it:)
What kind of things do you do to keep your preschool entertained when the big kids go back to school?
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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Goodbyns: Best Lunchboxes EVER!

After posting this really cute pictures of my boys on their first day of school yesterday...

I got more than a few questions about their lunchboxes. I actually posted about them when we first bought them a few years ago {you can check it out HERE}, but I figured since so many people were interested I would share again and include a little update on them.
I don't really remember how I stumbled upon their website more than a year ago, but it has made packing lunches for my boys so much easier and more fun!

Besides the cool factor {because if you get one of these people will constantly be telling you how cool your kid's lunchbox is}, my favorite part about the Goodbyn is that it makes packing healthy lunches quick and easy. For the first part of Kindergarten Henry had a regular old insulated lunch bag....and I was constantly throwing in prepackaged stuff. Not only is that way more expensive and not as healthy, it is also terrible for the environment! Since getting our Goodbyns my boys almost always have at least one serving of fruit and one serving of veggies in their lunchboxes...and very little trash to throw away after lunch!

I also love, love, love that the Goodbyn is dishwasher safe. I always wondered if I was really getting that little insulated bag of Henry's clean, but there is no question that your Goodbyn is clean after a run through the dishwasher:) I don't actually wash ours in the dishwasher every night though. Most nights I either rinse it out with warm soapy water or simply wipe it out with a wet rag if the boys didn't have anything messy for lunch that day.

After more than a year of use our Goodbyns are still going strong. We have had a few stickers fall off here and there, but that is to be expected when the boys take their lunch to school almost every day! That is also easily fixed with the extra stickers that I put somewhere that I can't remember in safe place to use when we needed them.

My only real complaint about our Goodbyns is that our cute drink holders aren't usable anymore...but that is mostly my fault. I accidentally left the boys drink bottles un-rinsed on the counter in our kitchen during one of the long weekends last year and some fun green stuff started growing in them. I tried cleaning them, but there was still some stubborn stuff stuck to the bottom. So instead of water or juice in their bottles, the last few months of school last year they took juice boxes instead. Not a big deal, but it does add to the trash factor and make packing lunches a little more expensive. I checked into buying new bottles, but back when I looked that wasn't an option on the Goodbyn website. Now they have the bottles for only $6.00 so I may be buying new bottles for my boys soon:)
I would definitely recommend the Goodbyn to anyone who is looking for a new lunchbox for their kiddos as the new school year start! The Original Goodbyn sells for around $26 and in my opinion is a really great deal. Henry used his Goodbyn for half of Kindergarten and all of 1st grade and I'm pretty sure I won't be buying him a new lunchbox until after 3rd or 4th grade! They also have a smaller version called the Goodbyn Bynto Kit that sells for around $17...though in my opinion the Original is your best bet for kiddos because you can pack a variety of things in their lunch....and none of the food touches:)

{The opinions in this post are my own. I was not compensated for this post, I just really love this product and wanted to share it with you since so many people asked about it! However if the people at Goodbyn would like to send over some new bottles for my boys or sponsor a giveaway for my readers I would be SUPER excited!}
Weekend Bloggy Reading
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Monday, August 1, 2011

The Long Saturday

Last week I told you all that we were trying to enjoy summer before it ends....well we did just that this weekend. After a few hours of working hard in the yard, we headed out for our last Saturday of fun before school starts.
 Our first stop was the beach. The boys played football and Frisbee and got a little too wet considering they weren't wearing their bathing suits:) The played in the sand and even got to check out a crab or two!
 Our next stop was Putt Putt. Always a hit with my golf loving boys. Eli was a trip....he would hit the ball, wait for it to stop, then pick it up and move it two inches from the hole. Needless to say he got a 2 on almost every hole:) Grant {the master golfer} even managed to get a hole in one!
 After a bite to eat, we headed out for a walk over a really big bridge.
 The boys posed for a few pictures, but mostly just ran and raced up the bridge...and then back down.
I got one pretty good shot of all three boys...
 ....then we watched the sun set.
We finished the night off with yummy milkshakes and three tired boys who fell asleep before we made it home:)
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