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Monday, November 28, 2011

Miscellany Monday

I have a ton of pictures in my November folder that I haven't shared, so I decided to join in with Carissa this week to share them....even though they probably aren't really blog-worthy!
Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters
Maybe it's kind of mean, but I think this picture of Eli is kind of hilarious! He was playing under our breakfast room table and somehow got himself stuck under one of the chairs. It's hard to tell from this picture, but his tiny little hiney is stuck under the cross bar of the chair:)

I tried to get crafty earlier this month with the leaves that Eli and I gathered on our walk. It was a major craft fail! I didn't lay the leaves flat to dry out so they were kind of wrinkly and wouldn't stick to the candle well....even though I sprayed them with a generous coat of spray adhesive. My Mod Podge was almost empty and I had to scrap the bottom of the jar, and I really didn't get a full coat on them. They are currently sitting in my china cabinet and I have a feeling they are probably going in the trash can soon!
I only took two pictures of the boys at their Thanksgiving lunch and they are pretty bad.
           Henry the Indian                      &                   Grant the Pilgrim

We had an end of the season football party for Grant's pee wee team a few Saturdays ago. I made some fun football jersey sugar cookies for the boys with their jerseys numbers on them. They were gobbled up before I could get a decent picture of them, here's a shot of Grant holding his...with a bite or two taken out of the bottom.
I was craving a banana split last week when Jason was working late and I was home alone with three sleeping kiddos, but we didn't have any ice cream or chocolate syrup. So I made the next best thing: a Faux Banana Split with Nutella Drizzle:) I cut up a banana, added a big scoop of Lite Cool Whip, tossed on some peanuts, and drizzled a little bit of warmed Nutella over the top...YUM!
What kind of randomness have you been up to lately?
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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...

...from my three little turkeys:)
I hope you all had a {family} {food} & {fun} FILLED day!
I ate so much at lunch that I am skipping dinner, and I think I may not be hunger for breakfast in the morning either....unless I burn off all of my lunch shopping till I drop tonight with all the other crazy Black Friday {even thought it technically starts on Thursday now} shoppers!
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Scrapbooking Made Easy! My Memories Suite Giveaway!

This giveaway is closed. Congrats to Kim at Today is My Someday!
I've shared a ton of different crafts on my blog over the last few years....mostly because I love being crafty. One craft that you've never seen on my blog though is scrapbooking. I've done a few paper crafts here and there, but the only scrapbooking I've ever done was for my kiddos' teacher {and they didn't turn out all that great}. I'm not sure why I never fell in love with scrapbooking. Part of me thinks it's because I don't have the patience for the precise cuts and small embellishments that are needed to make a scrapbook page really great. My days of  avoiding scrapbooking were over the day I downloaded My Memories Suite!
My Memories is the number one selling digital scrapbook software on Amazon, and from just a few minutes of opening the program I could totally tell why. It is so easy to use, plus there are no sticky glue fingers, unevenly cut paper, or small embellishments rolling all over your floor! Everything is digital...just click, drag, and drop! Besides making SUPER cute scrapbook pages, you can also make a ton of other things too. I am seeing birthday invitations, Christmas cards, and even photo book pages made with this awesome software!

Here is a screenshot of the software just so you can see all amazing features it has...and so you can see the really cute scrapbook page that I made of Eli! One of my favorite features of My Memories Suite is that your fonts aren't limited like some of those other online companies. You can use any font that you have downloaded on your computer! See the SUPER cute font I used with my page....by the way, it's called Elise and it's from kevinandamanda.com:)

The generous people at My Memories Suite have agree to let me give away the My Memories Suite software to one of my lucky readers! Just in time for holiday too!

To enter: 
Mandatory Entry: Visit the My Memories website and choose your favorite digital paper pack or layout.

Check out the My Memories blog. Leave a comment and/ or follow them. 

Like My Memories on Facebook.  

Follow My Memories on Twitter @MyMemoriesSuite

Be a public follower of Random Thoughts of a SUPERMOM on GFC.

Follow me on Twitter @SUPERMOM_Kellli
Tweet this giveaway with a link to this post and include @SUPERMOM_Kelli and @MyMemoriesSuite in the tweet. Can be done daily.
Sample tweet: Check out this SUPER scrapbooking software giveaway from @MyMemoriesSuite and @SUPERMOM_Kelli http://tinyurl.com/7weh9sl #giveaway

Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry and include your email address if it's not visible in your profile. This giveaway will end Wednesday, November 30th at 12:00 noon CST. I will use random.org to select a winner and the winner will be notified by email. 
I was not paid for this review/giveaway. I did received a free download of My Memories Suite to facilitate me in this giveaway.
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Friday, November 18, 2011

Gobble, Gobble: Turkey Waffles

Yesterday I admitted my obsession with crafty kids shirts, so now it's time for me to admit that I am just a little bit obsessed with fun waffles too! The first waffle I made was a rainbow waffle to celebrate St. Patty's Day. It's fun to have a colorful breakfast to help celebrate a holiday...but once I started I couldn't stop. I've shared some just because waffles {cupcake waffles} and a whole lot of holiday ones too {candy corn and jack o lantern}.

I have been brainstorming Thanksgiving ideas for a while now. It's amazing how hard it is to come up with a good waffle idea for a holiday based around food:) I tried to make Cornucopia Waffles with an abundance of M&M's, but all that did was make a huge mess of the waffle iron. So I decided to give Turkey Waffles a try instead. Now I know the name makes them sound kind of gross because seriously who wants savory turkey hiding in their waffles! Don't let the name scare you off...there is not a trace of real turkey in these fun and colorful Thanksgiving waffles:)
I started with the usual suspects...and my usual helper:) 
**waffle mix, food coloring, and Eli**
 Mix up your waffles according to the directions. You will need four waffles total to make two turkeys. By the way, these are sharing waffles...two people per turkey:)
*Start by making one plain waffle.*
*While that waffle is cooking divide your remaining batter into three bowls.*
*Add green, yellow, and orange food coloring each into one of the bowls and stir to combine.* 
*Cook the three colored waffles and then get ready to assemble.*

Start by cutting the plain waffle in half and the colored waffles into quarters.
Lay out the colored waffles in a turkey tail pattern starting with the outside ones{green here} and working your way in. Lay the half plain waffle on top of the turkey tail and adjust as needed. Use one of the leftover yellow quarter waffles to make a beak for your waffle. I simply cut off the pointed edge and added it on top of the plain waffle. 
What kind of fun foods are you making to celebrate Thanksgiving this year?
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pilgrim and Indian Initial Tees

I have shared countless times about my slight obsession love of crafty kids' holiday shirts. I'm actually starting to think that maybe I should start a support group, but I might be the only crazy member! Anyway, with Thanksgiving only a week away, I decided to take advantage of our little sick day yesterday and get some sewing done on the boys' shirts for this year. I knew I wanted to attempt a cute turkey face shirt for Eli {I'll share his shirt later after I figure out how to add the eyes without making the turkey look crazy}, but I wasn't quite sure about what to do for Henry and Grant. I stumbled across a Pilgrim initial tee on Etsy earlier this week and as soon as I saw it I knew my boys were getting Pilgrim and Indian shirts this year:)
I won't bore you with all the details{and a million pictures} of how I made these shirts...you can go back and check out one of my other step by step tutorials if you like. But just so this isn't a single picture with a ton of rambling, I will share a quick rundown of how I made these.

**Print out each kiddos initial {mirrored} and attach it to orange and white gingham.**
**Cut out the letters and attach them to some orange felt.**
**Sew the letters to the felt with a zig-zag stitch and then cut around each letter leaving an orange border.**
**Use spray adhesive to hold the letter to the shirt, then stitch around the letter to attach it.**
**Make the pilgrim hat and indian headband out of scraps of felt. **
**Use spray adhesive to hold them in place and then sew them onto the shirts.** 

Really the hardest parts of this project are deciding which font to use for the letters and getting the proportions of the hat right so that it looks like a Pilgrim's hat and not a crazy top hat:) For those of you that don't sew, you could also make this no sew with some ultra hold iron on adhesive! Except for the new white long sleeve shirts, I used all materials that were in my craft stash making these shirts cost around $5 each. Not too bad for two SUPER cute Thanksgiving shirts!
Weekend Bloggy Reading
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