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Monday, November 26, 2012

Pre-Thanksgiving Roadtrip: Fall Creek Falls State Park, TN

The weekend before Thanksgiving, we had plans to go see the Mississippi State Bulldogs play football one last time this season. Since the boys were out of school the whole week of Thanksgiving, we decided to extend our weekend football trip by a few days and take a short trip to Tennessee. I did a little research and found a wonderful State Park about an hour north of Chattanooga {and only about a 6 hour drive from Starkville}. So after the Bulldogs won against the Arkansas Razorbacks, we loaded up the Airstream and headed to Fall Creek Falls State Park.
The namesake falls from the top:
All of us after the hike down to the bottom of the falls:
 The boys had a great time hiking, biking, and exploring all over the beautiful park and campground.
 Two of our favorite places in the whole park were the suspension bridges that crossed over the creeks. I was a little nervous about them, but the boys LOVED them! And they were the perfect setting for some cute group pictures too:)

 This was my normal view for most of the hikes that we took...bringing up the rear and making sure that Eli stayed with the group!
**We had a wonderful time at Fall Creek Falls State Park**
The campground was wonderful {and pretty sparsely occupied since it's off season for camping}.

We saw a ton of deer everywhere.
We had a campfire every night with yummy s'mores & campfire cones.
The boys got slingshots for souvenirs and learned how to shoot acorns with them:)
I managed to get a couple photos of my wild boys so we will always remember our first camping trip in Tennessee!
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Friday, November 23, 2012

Silhouette Black Friday Deals

I am SUPER excited to let y'all know about a couple of awesome Black Friday deals over at Silhouette America! If you don't already have a Silhouette, now is a great time to buy one! And if you do have a Silhouette you can also get some great deals on supplies and accessories! Head on over to the Silhouette America Black Friday page and use the code SUPERMOM to take advantage of these awesome offers:

Offer only valid at silhouetteamerica.com. Expires November 30, 2012. Rain checks not available.
% discount excludes Silhouette CAMEO®, Silhouette Portrait™, downloads, download cards, subscriptions, and gift cards.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

I am Thankful For Printable

Last year I shared these really cute I am Thankful for printables that I made. I actually loved them so much that they stayed up all year!
Now that Thanksgiving has rolled around again, I thought it would be fun to use the same printable again and just update the picture and let the kiddos update what they are thankful for! So I searched through my pictures from last year and found a couple cute ones of the boys and printed them out again using THIS printable and Photoshop. I thought since it was such a big hit here last year, I would work on making it a printable so you could print it out too:)
You can right click and save or open up THIS link and head over to Google documents to download it.

After you download the file, just open it up in Photoshop {or whatever photo editing software you use} and place your picture on top of the gray square. If you don't want to deal with photo editing software, you can always just print it out and tape your picture right to the page!
I'm still working on getting the boys to finish up their drawings and getting them hung up, but when I do I will share a picture with you! And if you use this printable, I would love to see what your kiddos are thankful for too!
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Friday, November 16, 2012

Sugar Cone Cornucopia

I saw these SUPER cute Thanksgiving treats floating around the blog world last year. And I have to admit that when I first saw them, I was pretty skeptical that they would work....that's probably why I didn't attempt them last year. But earlier this week when our preschool choir director asked if I could come up with a snack for the kiddos, this was the first thing I thought of. I searched Pinterest and found a couple different versions all with different directions {I never did find what looked like the original inspiration. If you know where it is let me know and I'll credit them!}, so I grabbed a couple of sugar cones and tried out a few techniques. After a failed attempts, I came up with the perfect way to make and fill these cute Sugar Cone Cornucopias!
Start by gathering your supplies:
sugar cones
fall sprinkles
Cool Whip
Reese's Pieces or M&M's
Take a couple of paper towels, fold them up into a square, wet them, and then ring out most of the water. You want them to be damp, but not dripping. Place your wet paper towels on a microwave safe plate, then place the bottom half of the ice cream cones on the paper towels and cover them up. I found that two at a time worked the best because you only have a little bit of time to work with them after they come out of the microwave.

Microwave the cones for around 30 seconds depending on the strength of your microwave. You want the ends of the cones to be soft enough to mold without burning the part that isn't in the paper towel. You also need to re-wet the paper towel after two 30 seconds runs in the microwave.
Remove the plate from the microwave and pull back the paper towel carefully. They will be hot! Pick up your cones, and working quickly bend the end of the cone using your hands, the counter top, or even a clean pencil. You will have to hold the ends in place for a few seconds until they cool enough to keep their shape. 
This is a great projects for kiddos to help with, but they don't need to help with the cone making step because it can be really hot! So let them start helping after all the cones are made:) I actually made all the cones at home and then took them with all the other supplies to church and the kiddos all got to decorate and fill their own cornucopias! 
After you finishing forming all your cones, melt a little bit of chocolate in a coffee cup or small bowl. I used almond bark and I just put one square in my cup and microwaved it until it was melted. 
Then dip just the very end of the cone in the chocolate...
...and place your dipped cone in a small plate of fall colored sprinkles.
Set the cones aside so the chocolate can harden. While you wait on the cones, put your Cool Whip in a small plastic bag and clip off one of the corners.
Use the plastic bag to fill the cone up with Cool Whip...
...then place a couple of Reece's Pieces or M&M's in the Cool Whip. 
Now you have a SUPER cute Sugar Cone Cornucopia that kids and adults will love!

Linking up here..
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Gobble, Gobble: Turkey Waffles (Again)

I truly can't believe that Thanksgiving is only a little more than a week away! It feels like we just got through Halloween, and I really haven't had much time to think about Thanksgiving...so I'm re-posting these fun Thanksgiving waffles that I made for my boys last year!
I have been brainstorming Thanksgiving ideas for a while now. It's amazing how hard it is to come up with a good waffle idea for a holiday based around food:) I tried to make Cornucopia Waffles with an abundance of M&M's, but all that did was make a huge mess of the waffle iron. So I decided to give Turkey Waffles a try instead. Now I know the name makes them sound kind of gross because seriously who wants savory turkey hiding in their waffles! Don't let the name scare you off...there is not a trace of real turkey in these fun and colorful Thanksgiving waffles:)
I started with the usual suspects...and my usual helper:) 
**waffle mix, food coloring, and Eli**
 Mix up your waffles according to the directions. You will need four waffles total to make two turkeys. By the way, these are sharing waffles...two people per turkey:)
*Start by making one plain waffle.*
*While that waffle is cooking divide your remaining batter into three bowls.*
*Add green, yellow, and orange food coloring each into one of the bowls and stir to combine.* 
*Cook the three colored waffles and then get ready to assemble.*

Start by cutting the plain waffle in half and the colored waffles into quarters.
Lay out the colored waffles in a turkey tail pattern starting with the outside ones{green here} and working your way in. Lay the half plain waffle on top of the turkey tail and adjust as needed. Use one of the leftover yellow quarter waffles to make a beak for your waffle. I simply cut off the pointed edge and added it on top of the plain waffle. 
What kind of fun foods are you making to celebrate Thanksgiving this year?
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