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Friday, July 15, 2011

Banana Pops

During a quick run to our local grocery store, my boys saw a box in the produce department that contained supplies to make banana pops. They asked if we could buy it, but I quickly said no. Little did they know, right then I made plans to make our own version at home without that little box:) We picked up a bunch of bananas and the other things that were on our list and headed home. While they were busy playing I whipped up a fun banana pop treat for them and I even added sprinkles to make them a little more fun:)
I started with a few bananas, chocolate melts, and lollipops stick. You will also need sprinkles, but somehow they didn't make it into my picture.
The first step was to cut my bananas in half and insert the lollipop sticks into the cut end of the bananas. I left the peel on the bananas and stuck them in the freezer for about an hour. I have seen these before and the directions say to peel the banana first, but I didn't want to worry about having a plate to sit them on in the freezer. Leaving the peel on allowed me just to stick the bananas in the freezer among the fish sticks, broccoli, and frozen waffles:)
After an hour in the freezer, I pulled out the bananas and removed the peel. Be sure to get all the peel and stringy things off...they can be stubborn in places and break because they are frozen.
Dip your frozen banana in melted chocolate. I used chocolate melts, but chocolate chips or almond bark would work too. Let some of the excess chocolate drip off the banana and then roll it around in your sprinkles. This is a messy step {notice I didn't get a picture of the sprinkle dipping}, so have a wet rag handy to wipe up your hands and any messes.
I left my bananas on the countertop to harden for about 15 minutes, but you can also stick them back in the freezer for a few minutes. Leaving them on the counter for a few minutes lets the banana soften up a little which makes it easier for little kiddos to eat them! Hand them over to your kiddos and watch their faces light up at the sight of all those fun sprinkles and yummy chocolate!
What kind of fun snacks have you been making for your kiddos this summer?
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Kelly said...

These look amazing! I love your ideas!

CM said...

Good for you for not just buying the box, but figuring it out for yourself! Looks delish!

Kmama said...

My kids would seriously love those. They love bananas. I can't believe I haven't thought of this before.

Melissa said...

how fun and looks super yummy!

Joanna said...

These look so good! And so easy to put together!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

These look great!!! And they're healthy because of the bananas, so if a mom ate, say, 10 of 'em at a time, that'd be okay, right?

More Than Words said...

Of course you didn't need the box!! LOL! I would have bought it!!

Those look so good!!!!! Seriously, you are amazing!!

Unknown said...

Those look a lot better than when I attempted to make a banana pop with my 4 y/o. We used honey and nuts, and it didn't turn out as tasty as those look!! Will have to try them with chocolate :)


Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Oh my kiddos are going to love these!

sara d. said...

YUM! This is on our Summer "Bucket list"...now I am even more excited about making them!
Thank you for sharing!

Miss Kitty said...

I don't even HAVE any kids at home anymore and I think I am going to have to make some for myself! Your photography of the process (and your cute kid) is beautiful.

Sunla Designs said...

This looks like something I will have to try at Big Sister's next playdate. I am sure the girls will love them. Any idea how long they can sit out before they turn gross? or should I just make them right before I serve them? Thanks!

Jennifer said...

This is now on my to-do list for next week with the kids! Thanks for sharing :)

Julie Kay said...

Very cool! Today my son and I made biscuits from scratch (we got the recipe from a children's book titled "Old Thunder and Miss Raney"). I'll have to add this project to our afternoon activity list next week. I found you via the TT&J Weekend Wrapup Party. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Those looks so good! So much better than the box kit! :)

Ms. Po said...

Always looking for alternatives to the old sugary popsicle. This summer we're enjoying frozen grapes (does it get any easier?). My kids also love it when I freeze Go-Gurt (the on-the-go yogurt tubes).

Sabrina Lopez said...

I just saw this delicious tatertotsandjello weekend wrap-up-party.
I can't wait to try it!
Thanks for sharing! Great Blog!

Michelle {Daydream Believers} said...

My girls would LOVE these! :) Thanks for sharing!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I bet Dylan would love those! I think I would too!

Miller Racing Family said...

What a fabulous treat! We are always looking for a great summer snack!
Thanks for sharing!

Frances said...

Those look yummy! I am sure my son would love them! He adores bananas...following from the weekend bloghop :)

Tammy said...

these look so yummy, I have made them dipped in yogurt and then frozen again too, my son loves them like that.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

You are such a fun mom, Kelli! My girls like bananas, but I can see the chocolate covered ones being a true hit in our family. Thanks for sharing the "recipe" and also for linking up. :)

Unknown said...

Those look delicious! New follower. Your blog is so cute! :)

Whit said...

oh my yummy I have to do this! I am dropping by to let you know that I featured your stinkin cute you are my sunshine outdoor old window art on my this weeks pinterest loves #9 on my blog. Go check it out! leave a comment, grab a button and follow. Love your ideas :)

A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

Amy said...

My hubby has made these with the kids. He used the box of chocolate the first time and didn't like it too much. The second time her used real herseys choc. bars and they loved it!

Mandy said...

what a super fun treat! will have to try these with my little girl.

He & Me + 3 said...

healthy/yummy treat really cute too.

Anonymous said...

Kids love these. I think I may do them with the kiddos tomorrow. Fun treat for sure!

Kelly said...

We did these earlier this summer and seeing your pictures makes me want to do it all again! Are't they good. Your pops look so pretty.
Little Wonders' Days

Mariel@ www.sexymodeststyle.com said...

this would be so fun to make with my kids!

come link it to my woot woot wednesday linky party!


Heidi Boos said...

Austin saw the first picture and shouted out CANDY!!!

My husband would love, love, love these!!

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